The crimson-colored liquid that came down little by little made the small pool on the white marble floor feel so quiet that sobs could be heard.
"Why..." the voice choked. "Why are you doing this? WHY?!"
Li Xin, what's wrong?" Lory cupped Zhao Li Xin's worried face, "You've been quiet all this time, tell me what's bothering you?"
Zhao Li Xin pinched his glabella he didn't know what he just saw it felt like a dream but the scene feel unfamiliar but it jumbled with his nightmare Zhao Li Xin felt he was going crazy.
"I feel like dreaming with eyes opened...I think there's something is very wrong with me" he sighed quietly as he divert his eyes from Lory, it was rare to hear his voice on edged.
"Hey, don't say that" Lory squeezed Zhao Li Xin's cheek between her palms "Even if it's true, I won't let anything happen to you, and you know that, right?!" her eyes shoot at him with pure determination.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: