The fifth elder's screams boomed, he kept shouting 'Demon' without realizing that what he was fighting was his son and grandson, the fifth elder was attacking them relentlessly, Su Feng kept the fifth elder busy while Lan Hua threw stun needles at the fifth elder and a few others. of them hitting him, Lan Hua also used paralyzing smoke which made the fifth elder's movements halt for a second as Su sheng took the opportunity to push the fifth elder against the wall then used the handcuffs to tie his hands.
The fifth elder roared he opened his mouth widely like an angry beast at that moment in a quick move Lan Hua shove the gourd filled with miracle water down his throat, it was so hard it will not be impossible Jin Hua accidentally knocked some of the old man's teeth.
Fifth Elder had no choice but to swallow the water, gradually his eyes became clearer still Jin Hua forced him to drink until the gourd was empty.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: