
The Calling

"Are you going?"

Wu San Bo was surprised he turned his body and saw Lory walking towards him with smile plaster on her beautiful face, Wu San Bo cupped his fists and bowed his head politely "Madam"

Lory waved nonchalantly "Why are you being so formal?" Lory pretended to be annoyed.

Wu San Bo raised his head and chuckled, "Just like everyone else, Wu San Bo has great respect for Lory and not only because he married Zhao Li Xin but because of his own character and integrity.

"Can you infiltrate the Heaven gate sect alone?" Lory furrowed her brows even though she looked calm but her eyes clearly showed her uneasiness.

Wu San Bo appreciated Lory's feelings, he suppressed a smile and explain without hurry, "The schedule for changing the matrix array is tomorrow so if I want to infiltrate better do it now"


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