Because the ox-carts did not allow entering the main road, they had to leave their ox-carts somewhere before being allowed to enter the city, but because there was no inn or tavern willing to accept their ox-carts, they ended up selling their ox-carts cheaply to people who happened want to leave the capital.
After the Ox-cart matter was over they entered the main street on foot, actually, it was quite a distance from the city gate but with their stamina, there was no problem with that, thankfully the Sword Saint Sect group had left first otherwise they would be suspicious of how Zhao Li Xin who supposed to be sick could walk so far so easily.
Arriving at the inner city, Lory found that Yu Jin City was not much different from Jing An City as the rumor said, maybe because the economy in the Liang Zu Kingdom was growing rapidly under the leadership of Ming Yue Yin so that the capital of Jing An didn't look inferior compare with Yu Jin City.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: