Behind the wall fence Tian Meng Ji paced back and forth, he kept glancing anxiously at the front gate of the manor, every time he took one step forward he would stop and shake his head then turn around but after only two steps he stopped again and looked doubtful then he turned towards the gate again but then it stopped again and it continued for half an hour while Lory and Girsha watched him from the roof.
[What is that old man doing?] Girsha squints his eyes [Is he exercising?]
[In front of someone else's manor?] Lory said sarcastically
[What? you know humans like to exercise anywhere!] Girsha argues.
[Yes, In our world not here!] Lory replied [The people of this world don't exercise!] Even if they did, they weren't running around the streets like the people in his old world, she understand well enough to know that the people in this world only run from bad people or chase bad people.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: