Lory leaves Ming Yue Yin alone, there something that only she could make decision and Lory didn't want to influence her with her oppinion. She follows the stone path that leads her to her courtyard, the smell of bamboo leaf and various flower three mixed in the air, the wind blow harder as a sign for the rain to come then slowly the rain drizzle hitting her head.
Lory raised her hand and the raindrop on her palm, she quickened her pace to her room, luckily she manages to arrive at her room before the rain heavily. She immediately enters her room she walks to the furnace then wave her hand and the fire lit up magically, the warmth hit her face and she feel better immediately, she saw Girsha doze off in his magnificent bird house, smile bloom on her face.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: