
What Goes Around comes Around II

One thing leads to another, one decision impacts another, just like a line of dominoes that just how fate is. Maybe if she not give Zhao Li Xin poison maybe he wouldn't become like the man he is now. The poison is like a whetstone for Zhao Li Xin's temperament, it teaches him how to endure and persistent. However the constant pain also teaches him to be cold-blooded, merciless, and vengeful, everything just got worst when no one around him teaches him about comfort, love, and care.

People say the children development is influence by the environment and genes, Zhao Li Xin grew up in the worst environment without anyone protection and his genes, if he inherited his father genes then Sanguan Jin Sheng is someone who killed his in-law family regardless of their age and gender, has no surprised Zhao Li Xin become a ruthless tyrant that everyone feared.

One can only imagine how far he becomes if Lory was not there.


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