

Humans are cruel, savaged, and violent they are animals pretend to be civilized and dignified and yet they are driven by greed, lust, and hatred. I know because I had seen it all, I saw the ugly and the worst side of human, I saw how they took pleasure by hurting a little kid, how they feel some kinda released by making me eat rotten food, that lowly human had to beat me to make them feel slightly better for themselves, such a pitiful creature, they think I envy them? Wrong I mocked them.

I promised myself that I would never become like them so I buried everything that make me human, pain, sadness, envy, greed, lust, and most of all…love. I buried everything so deep in my heart so no one could reach not even me, and It worked, I stopped to feel, It like I'm disconnected from the rest of the world, I feel numbed…


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