The light gradually dissipated, it took a few seconds for Jin Hao and the others to adjust their sight from the blinding light. Each of them rubbing and massage their eyes, the one who got affected the most is Yu Qin, no matter how many time she blinking her eyes she can only white spots.
"Master, am I going to be blind?" she worriedly said.
"Don't worry, it just our eyes try to adjust from the bright light…" Jin Hao said while rubbing one of his eyes.
"You'll be fine Yu Qin" Zhuang Mu Zi stroke the little maid head to comfort her then he shifts his glance at Jin Hao "What is that?"
Jin Hao who already got his sight back to normal stroking his chin while pondering then all of a sudden he hit Zhuang Mu Zi knee with his fan, Zhuang Mu Zi startled "Ouch!" he yelp loudly but then his eyes bulge widely in shocked "I….I can…I can feel my leg" then he hits his other leg but this time harder than before, he feel a twinge in his leg, and his mouth quiver.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: