
Lucas And Lory

Lucas abruptly closes the diary, he can't let anyone read this diary especially Lory. cold sweat drench his back he immediately stood up from the chair, he must destroy the diary, even though he very reluctant to let go his mother personal momento but the information inside it is too dangerous if it's fall to wong hand but mostly he worries Lory would accidentally found the diary likes he did.

"Lucas, where are you?"

Lucas jolt on his feet when he hears Lory's voice calling him, He clicks his tongue exasperatedly, in panics state Lucas look left and right as he searches something to destroy the diary, thankfully he found a small furnace not far from him. He make a long stride towards the furnace, at first, he wants to burn the whole diary at one time but the furnace is too small and the diary is too big, the furnace will not burn the diary fast enough.


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