
The Demon Voice

Lory and Zhao Li Xin exchanged look, they look at each other with the unsettling feelings they didn't know is that means good or not. Lory squeezes Zhao Li Xin's arms as the uneasy feeling grew increasingly deep within her.

"But before that why don't you show me why descendant is" Huwang ShenZi abruptly said.

"Your descendant?" Lory frown.

"I can smell my descendant scent on your clothes and hands" Huwang Shen Zi tilt his big head slightly "I believe they send him here because they knew I trap here and could leave this place, well….I'll be surprised them," he said in glee.

"Aaah, the shadow tiger is your descendant, after all, no wonder he smelled differently" Girsha shrink her body to the size of Goshawk then he flew towards Lory.


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