"Master, master look what we got here~" suddenly a sweet cheerful voice coming from behind Bei Li Yan and two people throw to the ground head first, from the size of it one of them is a man and the other is a woman.
"Lan Hua, Mei Gui, who is this?" Bei Li Yan thin eyebrows creased, he does not order this.
"They are Nan yu Qi and Nan Bao Ji, they force to enter forbidden library so we stop them" Lan Hua make a fist gesture proudly.
"Hello, crazy women?" Wu San Bo greet casually.
Mei Gui and Lan Hua didn't look offended, instead, they smile brightly "Greeting Master Wu~" they speak in tunes while cupping their fist respectfully
"Nan Yu Qi, Nan Bao Ji, what happen to you?" Xie Hui Rong gasped he immediately gives them a high-grade pill to treat their inner wound, of course, his action not because he is benevolent, but he needs all hand s on deck to help him handle Hei Shen people.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: