

"Really…" Lory softly said.

"Don't you believe me?" he stroke the back of her head, his bluish wavy hair is so so smooth and silky he was mesmerized by it.

"What if…..what if I can't give you a baby?" she faintly said.

Zhao Li Xin push her lightly, he holds both her shoulders "What's wrong, is there something with your health?" he worriedly asked.

Lory thought he must be disappointed by the news, her swollen eyes become teary again "No, it's not like that….I'm sorry?"

Zhao Li Xin doesn't understand why she apologizes to him "Why you say you sorry?" 

"I don't know if I can give you baby or not but if you want a baby….I…..maybe you should find another…." Lory choked on her tears, she doesn't want to lose him but she doesn't want to deprive his chance to be a father either, her heart is breaking and imminent pain show in her lovely face. 


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