"This is not something a cultivator can do," Lory's eyelashes fluttered over her purple irises and moved part of her bluish hair behind her ear.
"Gifted people?" Bei Li Yan couldn't help but ask. His excitement was still peaked.
"They are people who borrow power from the outer world to manipulate the energy around them. However, each person can only manipulate the energy that has an affinity to them. For me it is water," Lory moved her left finger over the teacup and the pink water twirled between her fingers. She than snapped her fingers and the water plopped back to the teacup.
"And wind…" The teacup in Lory's hand was cut into pieces by an invisible blade. Her hand was slightly wet from the tea. Zhao Li Xin used a clean handkerchief to wipe her hand as Lory continued, "These are some of the powers Gifted people are blessed with. Curses and spells are an extension of our natural powers."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: