"Lord Long Ming, I don't know you will be here? What a great coincidence" Yang Qiong Yan smiles so wide it almost touch his ear. After the last meeting Yang Qiong Yan heart becomes restless he worried what Zhao Li Xin would do, he knew someone like Zhao Li Xin never giving empty threat, he had sounded this news to Lao Min Na but she hasn't reached him back so he doesn't know what to do except prepare for the worst.
Zhao Li Xin doesn't bother to answer, he only gives Yang Qiong Yan quick glance before he shifts his gaze back to Lory while Lory stares back at him with questioning looks 'Why he looks angry suddenly?' Lory tilted her head while strokes his strong jawline. Her worry eyes soothe his anger like an oasis in the desert, he holds Lory hand that touches his jaw then he smiles back at her to show her he's okay.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: