The Restaurant is called Hong Wei, three-storey building with red pillar cover with round led lampion with yellow tassel on the bottom and the big placard with the name of the restaurant writing in Gold to make the place appear more extravagant, only people with expensive clothes could enter the restaurant they all have arrogant and overbearing temperament all over them.
Lory is observant person she pay attention to all the guest, the worker, and the building just in case something is out of ordinary and the fastest way out if something happens, being careful is the reason she survives for decade outside the safety of her Kingdom and also because Girsha was they're, she lost this habit when she met Zhao Li Xin she is too comfortable when he is around, this habit only return after she almost got killed by Lu Yao and travel with Shin Jiu who she needs to protect.
"Give us the private room" Ming Yue Yin said to the waiter.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: