

Lory's voice knocked some sense on him, Girsha's anger slowly dissipated than a small woman walks toward him with a calm face her eyes turn crescent and she smiles at him [Hello sleepyhead…]

The giant bird stunned than his eyes become soften his body shrunk into a size of a hawk, Lory raised her arms and he flew towards her and perch on her arms gently [Sorry, I'm late] he said while caressing his head on her cheek.

[Don't worry, you just….on time] Lory chuckles.

The bird and the girl chatted nonchalantly and ignore the chaos that had happened around them, well that because for Lory and Girsha this much damaged is consider to be normal for them, when they fight side by side even aircraft falling from the sky like flies and half the forest almost burn if not Lory used her gift to make rain, so this much damage only makes them feel 'Meh….'


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