
Grandfather is Here!

Back to Qian manor again, Lory a hunch the man that they were hiding would give her advantages but first how the hell he met that man? Lory watch the west courtyard from behind the bushes the entrance of the courtyard is guarded by two soldiers and no one enter the courtyard except the maid who brings the food and the soldier always check what inside the tray before they let anyone enter and out the courtyard, such a meticulous guard but that only make her suspicious even more.

Lory was still contemplating when she hears a rustle from above the tree than suddenly something jumps off from the tree and grabs Lory neck, Lory almost yelp, fortunately, she managed to cover her mouth before she shouts, turn out is Gao di the monkey the beast make big grinned right in Lory's face.

"Gao Di, what are you doing here?" Lory stunned than the monkey stuck out his tongue, Lory sigh "You want to join the fun?" than the monkey nods his head excitedly, Lory chuckles than patted his head.


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