
Sacred Beast

One by one they enter the room, the room is dark with only illuminated by a dimmed light from the window, the four men move slowly without make the sound they walk carefully not to hit anything than they hear snore from the bed although the sound is a bit weird for a woman but they have no time to think that.

The room is quite small so they can see the bed right away but because the darkness they only see black shapes, one of them accidentally hit the table and knocked the teacup on the table suddenly everyone froze, they look at the movement on the bed, fortunately, no movement from the person under the blanket so the four men sigh in relief.

They slowly move again until they reach the edged of the bed, one of the men raised his cleaver they want to surprise the poor woman but suddenly from under the blanket a giant tiger roar at them and the four men scream in shocked in that moment Lory come out from her hiding and throw them hand size knife towards them.


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