[I feel bad for that boy…] said Girsha suddenly.
Lory was throwing her dagger on the tree when she hears him complain [What do you mean?] Lory frowns while throwing another dagger on the tree, the daggers hit the marks on the tree perfectly.
[I can see he is sexually frustrated…] he mumble all alone while perching on the stone lamp.
Lory open her palms and the two daggers fly back on her hand automatically [You think I'm not!] she feels wronged then she twist her wrist and throw both dagger at the same time once again the daggers hit the mark perfectly at the same time [With Lazarus cursed I can't let my guards down, who knew if this cursed can inflict other people, you know some curse can be transmitted during intercourse] Lory said seriously.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: