
Go North!

The three of them toured inside the mystique realm, Zhao Li Xin who used to come here was surprised that the place was not as desolated as he thought, who knows when they take a long path away from the sea and mountain volcano they stumble to a small lake that has blue turquoise water in the middle of nowhere and then they arrived at the lime-green grass meadow, while near the lakes red flaming flower bush grow beautifully

Zhao Li Xin has never seen this place before but of course, because he only comes for cultivated, he never takes his time to explore like a normal person and Huo Long never told him either since he knew Zhao Li Xin had no interest in it.

Dozens of red butterflies danced among the flowers and circled over the lake surface, their red wings make a sharp contrast with the blue color of the lake and it makes such a picturesque sight. Lory was mesmerized by the scene.

"It's beautiful isn't it" Huo Long's make broaden smile.


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