"When I search through the echoed of the sword, other than anger there is one memory who is stand out, is the memory about the hairpin, he bought specially for her, the hairpin is represented his genuine loved for his wife and the new beginning with their child, this hairpin is represented his happiness, joy, and hope for a better future"
"You think if we find the hairpin we can break the sword cursed," Jin Hao asks
"I believe so…" Lory said confidently.
"Then, how we do it then?" Zhao Li Xin sigh, he didn't like it but he knew he can't stop her.
"Brother Jin, do you have drugs or something that can make me sleep but not just sleep but deep sleep?"
"It's a simple matter, I have a lot of drugs like that" Jin Hao nod his head although he is a little bit disappointed he thought she would need him to do something more important.
"Good, but I also need you to able awaked me quickly when something happened," she warned Jin Hao.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: