

What happened traveled fast and reached Zhao Li Xin's and the King Palaces ears, including Jiang Jin Wei. When Jiang An Yi got home injured, Jiang Jin Wei inquired what happened but Jiang An Yi didn't dare tell him the truth at first as she knew her brother was devoted to Zhao Li Xin. It was Zhao Li Xin who helped her brother when he was in a dire situation and no one else lent him a hand, not even his family or friends. Jiang Jin Wei and his remaining family would be dead without Zhao Li Xin.

Jiang Jin Wei didn't have time to hear Jiang An Yi's confession as a shadow guard arrived and told him everything. Jiang Jin Wei's face turned white to green and finally to red as he listened. He held in his anger until his body shook violently. He gritted his teeth and accidentally crushed the pen brush in his hand.

"Are you sure that's what really happened?" Jiang Jin Wei was shocked beyond belief.


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