When she awoke the first thing she sees is a wooden roof, she confuses why she stares at the roof then she sees Girsha looking down on her from the table with a flat gaze.
[Awaked?] he asked casually.
Turns out half her body is on the floor while her leg is still on the bed, is she falling from the bed again the pain on the back of her head later confirmed her, Lory pull her leg from the bed she sprawls on the floor while massaged the back of her aching back head, than slowly she sits on the floor with a daze looks.
[What kinda dream this time?] Girsha could already guess what happened.
Lory takes a long breath then she rose from the floor, now she feels her waist sore too [A bloody one….] she said while twisting her waist left and right.
[There's a massacre….everyone were dead and….there was a man with white sword….] Lory drinks mineral water right from the jug in an unladylike manner.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: