
Flower Garden

The palace entrance was divided into two, one for women and the other for men. Those from influential families could enter without having to wait in line. The princes also had a different entrance as their carriages didn't need to stop at the front gate as they could enter the inner palace.

As the carriage headed inside the inner palace, Zhao Li Xin firmly reminded Lory, "Don't leave my side once we get into the palace, not even for a second. Wait for me is if you have to. Stay put and don't go anywhere, the shadow guards will protect you. However, this doesn't mean you can lower your guard. Always bow to everyone and don't talk unless spoken to. As a matter of fact, just avoid everyone and be low key. Keep your head down, okay?"

Lory had never heard him talk so much in a single breath before. He made her feel she was entering a beast's lair instead of the royal palace. Her heart started beating faster as she was both worried and excited. Zhao Li Xin's warning made her curious to know more about the palace. However, one thing she was sure of though was the fact that it couldn't be called home.

"Understood," Lory nodded seriously like she would if she was entering the most dangerous dungeon in the world.

"Good," Zhao Li Xin patted her head. He secretly felt anxious taking her with him. He usually didn't care about the palace happenings as he always knew he could easily slaughter everyone if the worst came to worst. However, he couldn't help but feel restless with her being around. She made him worry.

Lory alighted from the carriage first with Zhao Li Xin elegantly following behind. He wore snow-white robes with red chrysanthemum embroidery on his sleeves as part of his Sixth Prince persona. The robed made him look like a feminine and frail man.

Half of his hair was tied with a small white jade crown at the top of his head to show his position. Zhao Li Xin had played the role of the weak and frail prince for so many years. He was so used to it that he tended to look unenthusiastic and indifferent when he wasn't acting.

Famous for being heavily ill, the head palace eunuch was ready to receive Zhao Li Xin with a palanquin once he got off the carriage. The walk from the front to the palace's main hall was long and Zhao Li Xin needed to first greet his mother, Royal Concubine Ying. Zhao Li Xin had forgotten the distance he needed to cover to reach his mother's Refined Beauty courtyard. Thinking about it made him feel bad for his little savior.

Lory didn't notice Zhao Li Xin's conflicted look when saw the long stairs as she was too busy admiring them. She felt pity for the people who need to carry the palanquin up the stairs as it was a long journey. Her next thought also made her anxious. What if one of the people slipped and dropped Zhao Li Xin from the palanquin? The unofficial couple unconsciously turned to look at each other at the same time. Worry plastered their faces but for different reasons. 

They both kept glancing at each other as they climbed the stairs. Zhao Li Xin was worried the long climb would tire her. He kept thinking she may faint, fall down the stairs and break a few bones. This made him more restless. Lory, however, worried the palanquin would drop and injure Zhao Li Xin in the process. She didn't know what she would do if that happens as she no longer had the power to heal him again.

Mong Yi and Mong Ki followed them in confusion. They didn't understand why both their lord and Miss Luo anxiously looked at each other. They could guess their lord's worries but couldn't understand Miss Luo thinking. They wondered if she forgot the lord was only acting weak. The two servants were also relaxed for the first time in many years as they didn't need to worry about him ever since he was cured. He was the strongest person in the country or perhaps in the whole continent after all.

Lory and Zhao Li Xin sighed with relief when they reached the top of the stairs. They walked past the long hall with a row of red pillar cover carved on top of it. The servants kneeled on the floor as Zhao Li Xin's palanquin passed by, while those of a higher status would perform a ninety degrees bow. This showed the different status between commoners and royalty. Lory saw this and understood the reason royalty was arrogant. Such absolution could turn one into an egomaniac.

Her father has always warned about the sin of pride. He said it was the one they needed to be more careful of as it didn't usually feel like a sin. This was because there was nothing wrong with being proud of what you do and what have you accomplish. However, pride also had a dark turn as it could make you feel untouchable. Lory never understood what her father meant until she that moment.

"I want to rest here," Zhao Li Xin abruptly said.

The palanquin immediately stopped. The carriers couldn't understand why the prince wanted to stop halfway but they complied.

"I'm too tired from the walk. Let's rest here..." Zhao Li Xin covered a yawn with his fist.

Everyone looked at each other with bafflement, 'You didn't even walk. How the HECK do you feel tired?'

They complained within themselves but no one dared to say it out loud. Mong Ki swiftly stepped in as he understood his lord's mind. He bowed at the young eunuch who was behind them, "His Highness is too tired due to the long carriage ride. Let him rest first. Please send a message to Royal Consort Ying and inform her the Sixth Prince would arrive a little later."

"This servant understands. Please rest well, Your Highness," The young eunuch didn't dare refuse. He could only bow at Zhao Li Xin and leave with the palanquin carriers

After they left, Zhao Li Xin led Lory to the small pavilion in one of the gardens inside the palace. The garden was filled with winter orchids and plum blossom flower chrysanthemum despite it being winter. The snow enhanced the flowers' colors. The pavilion was connected to a small bridge and under the bridge was a half-frozen koi pond with a fish sculptured water fountain in the middle. The garden wasn't too big but it was still beautiful and tranquil.

Lory was mesmerized by the scene. Her eyes wandering around as she admired the beauty around her. It looked like a storybook she used to read as a kid.

"You like this garden?" Zhao Li Xin handed her ginger tea to warm herself. "You seem to like flowers?"

"All women like flowers," She replied with certainty. "Although it is winter, this place is full of colorful flowers. I can only imagine how beautiful it looks in spring."

"If you like it so much, I'll plant a lot of flowers for you at Ninjing Manor," He said casually. It was a simple matter to him. He could order the gardener to rearrange the garden and plant as many flowers as she would like. If he couldn't fulfill her simple wish, how could he ever repay her kindness?

"The plum blossoms are beautiful, the chrysanthemums are exquisite and the orchids are both elegant and refined. However, you chose to only plant that bluebell wildflower in your garden. You have questionable taste," Lory held her chin and watch him with confusion. She really couldn't understand him at times.

"There is nothing wrong with that flower. It is beautiful, delicate, unique and like nothing I've ever seen before," He responded casually.

Her smile widened, "Do you know that flower is considered bad luck? No one wants to get too close to it."

"Really," Zhao Li Xin was intrigued. "Why?"

Lory cupped her cheeks with both hands and gazed outside with a distant look in her eyes.

"Because it's the fairies beloved flower. The fairies cursed anyone who dared harm the flower. However, others say hearing the sound of the little bell inside the bellflower mean someone you love is dying," She retracted her gaze and turned to look at him with a soft gaze.

"It's quite a mystical flower, don't you think?" She grinned. "Another story also says the witches use the flower to concocted spell. Some people call the flower the witch flower."

"Mysterious and beautiful... more reason for this lord to keep it," Zhao Li Xin smiles as he gave her a meaningful look. The flower represented Lory to Zhao Li Xin. Looking at the flower reminded him of the day he found her among the blue flower.

Her mysterious aura and tender gaze captivated him. His obsession with her intensified after he saw her among the flowers. It was the first time he cared for someone. He wanted to get close to her and it was also the first time he got to miss someone. Living together was a joy as it made him experience a different emotion. A feeling he couldn't explain.

He had lived for twenty-five years and yet he never felt as alive as he did now. All this was because of her. She made it impossible for him to replace her with other flowers.

They were busy chatting when Zhao Li Xin suddenly frowned. A distinctive irked look touched his face. Lory followed his gaze and saw a woman with a white hanfu approach them. Lory hastily tried to stand up as it wasn't appropriate for a servant to sit with their master in this world. Zhao Li Xin, however, held her arm to stop her. He didn't want Lory to degraded herself before others yet their façade would soon become nothing.

Lory didn't know what to do at first but decided to sit beside him and follow his direction. The woman with a white hanfu squinted her eyes when she saw Lory next to Zhao Li Xin. Her eyes quickly flashed with curiosity and irritation before her face returned to her calm and icy demeanor.

The woman bowed respectfully, "Lao Min Na greets the Sixth Prince."

thank u for miss Lenrel for edited this chapter?

and thank you to all my reader supports and kind comment ??

blowfish1407creators' thoughts
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