
Welcome to Camp Hither


Kids screamed. Two girls cracked heads as

they tried to dive out of their seats. Roddy raised

his arms in front of him like a shield.

I heard the rattle again. The warning from a

rattlesnake that it's about to strike.

I turned-and saw Heather laughing. She

had her hand raised. She was shaking the brace-

let around her wrist. Making it rattle.

Dad brought the bracelet back from a business

trip to India. It's a silver bangle with pebbles

inside. The pebbles make a loud rattle when she

shakes her arm.

I should have known!

sure that's why Heather wears it.

to her lap.

ding-dong riot!"

That rattling bracelet fools me every time. I'm

I grabbed Heather's hand and pushed it down

She shrugged. "0ops. Didn't mean to cause a

"False alarm!" I shouted. "False alarm

There's no snake!"

Kids climbed back into their seats. It took a


long time for everyone to calm down.

turned to Roddy. He was pressed against the

window. He squeezed his rabbit's foot. He looked

even paler than before.

See what I mean?" he said, "Everyone's freaked out. Know why? Because they've heard

the stories about Camp Hither, too."

"Roddy, there aren't any snakes in the lake" I

repeated. "The kids who told you that were just

trying to scare you."

They told me other stories," he said softly,

gazing out the window.

"About a snake. A very big snake."

I shook my head. I started to tell him to lighten

up. But my sister tapped me on the shoulder.

"Do you think Mom and Dad will send my

birthday presents to camp?" she asked. "Or do

you think they'll forget like last summer?"

I shook my fist in the air. "Heather, do you

want to live to be eleven? Then, stop talking

about yowr birthday!"

"Shut your dirty doodad!" she snapped.

That's another one of our grandmother's favor-

ite expressions. I don't know why Heather keeps

repeating them. Is she weird or what?

A few minutes later, the bus pulled off the road

and began to bounce along a gravel driveway.

We passed a large wooden sign that read:


Hey, we're here!" I cried.

Kids cheered and shouted, bounced up and

down in their seats, and slapped high fives. The

bus driver honked the horn five or six times.

We rolled through thick woods. Patches of

purple and red wildflowers lined the gravel

drive. Through the trees, I could see a blue lake

in the distance, surrounded by tall grass.

The bus squealed to a stop. Everyone jumped

up. We pushed and shoved each other in our rush

to get out of the bus.

Blinking in the bright sunlight, I gazed around.

The bus had parked in front of a group of small

cabins used for supplies. They were made of

wood, painted white.

I saw tetherball poles in front of each cabin.

And at one end, a wide, grassy soccer field.

Behind the field, a steep green hill led to

more buildings. Thick woods surrounded the

whole camp.

The bus driver started to pull our bags from

the luggage hold. And a grinning man came run-

ning toward us across the gravel parking lot.

He was tall and thin and very tan. He had a

black mustache and sleek, shiny black hair

brushed straight back from his forehead.

"Yo, everyone! Yo!" he called, waving as he

came trotting toward us. Welcome!"

He wore baggy khaki shorts and a brown

Sweatshirt with a large coiled snake printed on

the front. The snake had its jaws open as if it

was ready to snap.

Roddy poked me in the ribs. "See what I

mean?" he whispered. "See? It's all about


"Roddy, it's a wilderness camp - remember?"

I said. "Forget those stories. Forget."

The man turned around and I read the name

on the back of his sweatshirt. In snaky black letters, it said:


* End Of Chapter *

key question- Who is Dr. Crawler.

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