
You Need To Calm Down

When the Su landed the chopper out of the villa, Daniella's brother and her oldest son were outside waiting.

The sky was dark, the night was cold, Louisa with a skull in her hands stared at her mother.

Her feet moved closer to her, stretched a hand to touch her mother's cheek.

"I love you mom," she whispered into her mother's ear sleeping soundly in her father's arms.

On the other side, despite exhaustion, Alexa's eyes were twinkling with enthusiasm.

The light from the villa reflected in her eyes, just the thought of sleeping in her huge bed and having dinner without washing her plates had made her heart pulsated in excitement.

"My dear old life, did you miss me because I definitely miss you!!!" she yelled and ran inside without waiting for her family.

Ethan held Louisa's hand and walked casually towards the villa while Leo had his eyes glued on his phone.

"Cassie, we are closed this weekend, I will see you on Monday."

Leo lamented, he was really looking forward to the weekends but, his parents dragged them out of their school without plans, if he'd known, he would have asked them that he'd stay.

Evan turned to Daniella's older son, he had grown and had his father features.

"Will you please look after them?" Evan asked Danny.

The boy nodded, eyes gazed at his mother.

"Is she going to be alright?" Danny asked, voice full of concern.

Evan nodded, and carried his wife back to the chopper and left the building.

After watching them leave, Danny proceeded to the villa.

But as soon as he steps foot inside, his face went flat. The triplets were running around like George in the jungle while Louisa was kneeling in front of the coffee table with her scary dolls sitting on the couch.

His lips twitched with disbelief, starting to wonder how long did he speak to his uncle Evan for his sibling to cause this much disaster.

Alexa was running after with her ape while Ethan was pacing around with boxes of chemicals in different colors and smoke coming out of the tube.

His head turned to his left when he suddenly felt the house moving, his lips parted with surprise to see Leo with an electric guitar plugged into the speakers.

Danny shut his eyes tightly, he tried to yell and asked them to stop but Leo's loud music vibrating the whole house, making him mute.

It only took a minute for Danny to give up, his father had warned him but there's nothing he can do than to brother-up and take care of his siblings.

He decided to sit next to the skeleton doll on the couch, Louisa was serving them teas and cakes that the maid put on the table.

Louisa grabbed her tablet and wrote down, "do you want tea?"

Danny's heart warmed up, with a smile on his lip, he gently shook his head, "I am 21, I prefer beer than tea."

Louisa looked at him, eyes blinking with confusion, soon she wrote down, "say no more," and after reading it, Louisa took a can of beer out of her bag.

Danny's head tilted, confused but accepted the beer.


Sitting in the burger stands on the side road, Selena and Barney had just finished their second burger.

Selena burped, stomach satisfied with everything she ate.

"What's your plan?" Barney said, chewing the remaining burger in his mouth.

Selena shrugged, her father had told her that he will be leaving and asked if she'd want to come but in the end, she refused and stayed.

"Killian got hurt because of me, could you drop me to his apartment?" she asked.

Barney's eyes gloom, he looked at the road to avoid Selena's eyes.

"Sure," He cleared his throat, got up and pay for their food.

As they drive their way to Killian's apartment, Barney's fingers were anxiously tapping on the steering wheel.

"Why are you so nervous," Selena asked.

Barney faked a smile, "I am not, I think the burgers and fries are having a battle in my stomach, I can almost hear the thunder," he laughed.

Selena giggled, head shaking as she continued laughing.

"There's a gasoline station soon, we can stop. Don't worry, I understand, you came from a family of Dinosaurs-" Selena paused to laugh, still amazed by Barney's name and every time she tries to tease him, he always pout like a little boy.

And so then, they stopped at the gasoline station Barney was forced to use a bathroom even though he didn't need it.

He closed the bathroom door behind, stood next to the sink and turned on the faucet.

The door opened and his eyebrow creased to see a woman.

"Are you Officer Cruz," the woman stated, not bothered by the fact that she's in the men's restroom.

Barney wrung his hands, turned around to face her.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I am Kathy Molina, and I need your help," she said with a smile on her lips.

Barney sighed, "are you getting abused by someone?", he asked, scanning the body of the woman, he could see the marks on her arms as if someone smashed it and the red handprints on her neck.

Kathy was taken aback, she blinked with incredulity, not expecting Barney's words.

She had other motives but her head nodded and face plastered a pitiful expression.

"I – I was being chased by someone, and I saw you," her voice broke down, like a little girl lost in the forest.

"Wait, I will get my radio to call for backup," he rushed towards the door but blocked by Kathy.

"I just need a place to stay, a few days only."

Barney scratches his hair, unsure how to refuse the girl.

"I can bring you to a hotel," he offered.

Kathy shook her head, she had never shown her soft expression to anyone but seeing the concern in his eyes and hearing the sincerity in his voice, she could not help but lie.

"I will just stay here," she said and walked towards the empty cubicle.

Barney held her wrist, took a deep sigh and said, "I have another room in my house. You can stay there for some days if you feel unsafe in the hotel," deep inside, Barney wanted to curse, asked himself why is he so nice.

"Really?" Kathy's eyes sparkled.

Barney nodded, "I have a friend in the car, we will just drop her to my friend's house and we can go to my house."

Kathy nodded, took out her sunglasses and cup.

"I need this so no one can recognize me," she stated.

Before they leave the restroom, Barney asked her, "why are you willing to come with me? I am a stranger, are you not scared that I will do something to you?"

Kathy smiled at him, she smiles a lot but this time, she gave him a sincere one.

"You seem nice, and also, sometimes being with a stranger is safer than being with someone that knows every part of you."


After some time.

Pressing the passcode in Killian's apartment, Selena felt her heart pounding like she's having a heart attack, Barney dropped her at Killian's apartment and said that he will bring the woman he found wandering around the gasoline station to his precinct.


The sound of the lock made Selena blinked.

She gulped hard, pushed the door open and entered the place.

It was dark, the curtains blocked the moonlight from coming inside.

Selena's eyebrow creased, soon the place brightened when the door of the bathroom opened.

She turned to look at the door, rose an eyebrow after seeing Killian came out from it with shock on his face.

Soon, the shock disappeared, and a smile formed on his lips.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, feet slowly moved towards her.

"I just want to make sure that you are alright. Since you can stand and seems alright, I will leave now," panicking, Selena turned and held the doorknob.

"I am sorry,"

Her hand frost after hearing the guilt in Killian's voice.

"What are you apologizing for?" she asked, head slightly turned to look at him but the body stayed next to the door.

She heard footsteps, soon wet arms wrapped around her waist, and Killian's face buried on her shoulder.

"I fell asleep and couldn't protect you." he murmured; hot breath dampened on her skin.

"You must have been scared," he said softly.

Selena has never heard Killian spoke like this, hoarse voice as if he really meant every word he said.

She tilted her head, giving him more space to bury his face on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he said again.

Selena nodded, held his hands on her waist and sigh.

They stayed in that position for a long time, Selena could feel her legs numbing but she's enjoying the warmth of his embrace.

"Are you hungry," she said eventually.

Killian groaned, shook his face while it stayed buried on her shoulder.

"You need to eat Killian."

Just like a stubborn kid, Killian shook his head.

"I will sleep here tonight so can we get something to eat first?" despite her bloated tummy, Selena is willing to eat again.

She felt his lips moving in a smile, "really?" he softly said.

Her eyes rolled, slightly chuckled when he suddenly bit her shoulder.

"Wait here, I will get my clothes on," he rushed back to the bathroom like a little boy but before closing the door, he continued, "and condoms, lots of it."

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