
New Family

The specter's attack truly caught off guard the Hero League. They caused big damage to Star City even though Star City received help from the heroes of the other cities.

It took the Hero League a full 24 hours to stabilize the core region. The specters were widespread, but the heroes and the rankers worked together in harmony to subdue the specters.

And such, the dangers in the core region stabilized. However, the battle was not over yet, the specters were still running amuck in the west.

Almost all heroes and rankers were dispatched to the core region. Thus only a meager number of heroes and rankers in the west. The situation there was much worse than the core region.

The heroes could only close the gate that connected the Commerce Region and the outer region. Locking the specters in the outer region.

That was what they could do while waiting for the reinforcement from the core region.

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