
Fallen Heart Disease!

"Ban Li Wang, don't you not like the environment inside the tower? How come here today?" The old man who watched the door saw Zi Yan, and there was confusion between the eyebrows.

"Hey, I want to come, I don't want to come, I don't want to come, don't you report it to your bad old man!" Zi Yan made a face to the gatekeeper, and slammed into the tower.

Wu Fang has swept a lot of the environment inside the tower. The area is more than 500 square meters, and its distribution has nearly 100 small squares. Because of the large number of people entering the tower, there is no need to worry about being suspicious of life. Wu Fang and Xiao Yan have returned to human form.

"Predecessors, my heart seems to have a fire burning." Xiao Yan frowned, his right hand rubbing his chest.

"This is the heart-wrenching heart of the fallen heart inflammation. If you don't eat the burning fruit, you may have been burned to death by the six-star repair of your fighter." Wu Fang calmly Xiao Yan Jie Confused, "You can try to run the vindictiveness from the fire on the heart and see what happens to the vindictiveness."

Listening to Wu Fang's words, Xiao Yan controlled a sigh of relief from the fire. He was horrified to discover that the vindictiveness was doubled after being passed through the fire. Although the size is reduced, it gives a very solid feeling. This feeling is like a group of distracting vindictive, tightly screwed together.

"It's amazing!" Xiao Yan had a surprise on his face.

"Do you forget that there is a name for degrading heart disease?" Wu Fang patted Xiao Yan's arm.

"Cultivating the cheats!" After Wu Fangyi reminded, Xiao Yan suddenly realized.

Zi Yan's eyes swept over Wu Fang: "I have brought you in, what else do I need to do?"

Wu Fang waved his hand: "You don't need it for the time being, you are here to wait for us."

After all, Wu Fang walked with Xiao Yan to a corner. There was an iron gate surrounded by iron chains. There were three silver medals in front of the iron gates. The four characters on the silver medal were not allowed to stand out.

When no one noticed, Wu Fang approached the iron gate, and the body element turned into a flame, which penetrated through the crack in the door; Xiao Yan followed.

Compared with the outside of the door, the temperature in the space inside the iron gate is increased several times, and the wall around the iron is red and red, and the air rises from time to time, and the heat is extremely hot.

In this space, the most striking thing is a blood red hole in the center; at first glance, this hole is like entering the abyss of hell.

"Predecessors, is the heart disease under this?" Xiao Yan asked tentatively.

"An answer." Wu Fang nodded slightly.

"So, are we going straight down here or down the stairs?" Xiao Yan pointed the circular steps down the wall.

"Of course, the more you save the better, the better." When the voice fell, Wu Fang appeared in the hole and swooped down.

Jumping down the hole, Wu Fang saw the color of the domineering release to the extreme, the entire inner court is in the perception of his mind, any fine microwave movement, can not escape his induction.

Soon, Wu Fang's sight appeared in the magma ocean. Compared with the ordinary magma, the color of the magma below is darker and red, as if it is doped with countless blood, it is a strange.

"Predecessors, fortunately, we ate the burning fruit, otherwise it has melted at this time." Looking at the magma world that did not know how far into the ground, Xiao Yan was lucky enough to pat the chest, he did not doubt even if it was fighting Wang is also difficult to resist this burning.

"The fall of heart disease is in this magma." Under the perception of the domineering, he captured a huge living body.

"It has not been remembered for a long time that no one has come, ten years, twenty years, thirty years... or has passed a hundred years."

Huo Ran, a low cold sound came from the rolling magma, and the voice was full of bloodthirsty temper. Then, there seems to be some kind of wild animal in the magma that opens his eyes, and the two eyes are like Liman's eyes directly on Wu Fang's body.

"Little guy, we are here to surrender you." Wu Fang hovered over the magma, hands behind his back.

"Do you know how anyone who said this to me has finished? Even the bone slag has been me." The sound of taunting came from the magma, and then a red light appeared in the depths of the magma. As the red light and shadow rises, the magma ocean begins to surge.

"Come on!" Wu Fang's eyes condensed, locking the red light and shadow inside the magma.

"Don't fall into the heart?" Xiao Yan's double fists gripped slightly, his voice just fell, and a very violent and raging energy rushed out from the red light. With the rise of this energy, the magma in the magma rolled up a magma column up to three feet up to ten feet, and bombarded it on the side of Wu Fang Xiao Yan.

The roar of the scrolls is like a landslide!

"Hey, the two ants in the district still dreamed of refining me, I don't know how to live and die." The disdainful voice floated open, and as the red light and shadow began to sink, the two figures walked out of the magma column calmly.

"It's so comfortable!"

Wu has no expression, but Xiao Yan twisted the waist and the expression is like a big sword, and the role of the magma column is also the sword sheath.

"Hmmm?" The red light and shadow swayed slightly, giving a strange whisper.

"Hello, you are also ranked 14th in the fire list. So you don't dare to reveal your face?" Xiao Yan erected the middle finger toward the magma.


Xiao Yan's sardonic words just fell, the red light and shadow brought a burst of magma, and the magma flew out. The magma was flying, one could not see the whole body, the body was almost transparent, the head had a large foot, and the body was covered with invisible The fire of the flames reveals the figure. The majestic energy that erupted in an instant made the space oscillate.


Breaking out the magma, the huge invisible transparent fire, as if imprisoned for a thousand years, raised a huge head, sharp enough to make an ordinary fighting spirit on the spot to explode the body's sound waves.

With the spread of a word sound wave, the plane of the magma ocean is instantly elevated, and the time for Wu Fang Xiaoyan not to react, the rolling magma will not pass over their heads, completely covering them.

"This is your battlefield, but also our battlefield."

In the magma, the Xiaoyan element turned into a flame, and continued to maintain the human form, and a group of cyan fire lotuses were rotated in the chest.

As for Wu Fang, because the system is immune to all the plane damage, this rolling magma can't be close to him.

"Qing Lian, you have surrendered to a human being, it is a shame!" The transparent scorpion's huge pupils shot cold and cold, and locked the cyan fire lotus that Xiao Yan's chest was rotating.

The cyan fire lotus turned into a fire baby, and the mini little finger pointed to himself and pointed to Wu Fang, shaking his head and sighing.

When the transparent fire turned his head and his eyes fell on Wu Fang, the snakes suddenly shrank. The other party was so able to stand in the magma, and the magma seemed to meet the king, deliberately leaving a space around the other side.

Its intellect is not low, and it is combined with the fearful eyes of Qinglian Earth Fire, this person, tricky!

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