
Chapter 2: Vs Basilisk

The basilisk is towering in the middle of the plains. It's scales are reflecting the harsh rays of sunlight. Extreme heat can be felt even at a distance.

The basilisk turns its head towards the strike force. Its golden eyes surveying the area around us.

"Boss. I think it might charge at us. Should we bounce? " said an NPC.

"Don't do anything hasty. We should be careful against that thing. " said the leader of the Seafarer Guild strike force.

The basilisk stared down at us, watching our movements.

"Grrrrr.... "

Suddenly, it released a deafening howl.

"Graaaaaaaaargh!!! " the basilisk screamed at us.

"What the hell??!! " one of the NPC's exclaimed.

"I didn't sign up for this to die! I'm going home! " said one NPC while running away.

The basilisk, sensing the fear of the NPC, leaped at the poor man and crushed him with one of it's feet.

"Graaaaaaaaargh!!! " the basilisk turns towards the strike force and the battle begins.

"Man. That was cool. "

The devs really upped their game. There are now cutscenes for normal boss fights.

Last time we had a boss cutscene was during the World Ender Dragon Raid.

This time wasn't as cool as before but it really adds to the atmoshpere.

"A basilisk huh. It really has a ton of health. This battle might take a while. " I muttered.

A high level player can usually solo a normal boss within 5 minutes. This basilisk however, has 5 times the health of a normal boss.

"Are they adding solo raids to the game now? " I asked myself.

The basilisk seems to be preparing an attack.

Most bosses have an opening attack which the players need to prepare against.

"Vanguard! Cast Wall of Iron! " said the leader War Hammer strike force.

'Wall of Iron' is a skill that blocks attacks with a barrier. It is quite sturdy and wide, earning its name Wall of Iron.

However, the barrier created by this skill can be destroyed by an attack with extremely high damage.

But this time it seems that it won't even crack at the attack of the basilisk.

The basilisk unleashed a flame breath attack against the strike force which the barrier withstood easily.

"I'm pretty sure the NPC's can survive if they act like this all the time. "

With no issues regarding the NPC's, I can put all efforts in dealing damage to the boss.

"Now then. It's time for me to make my move. "

I moved away from the strike force and ran towards the back of the basilisk.

While the basilisk is distracted by the vanguard, the strike force moved around the basilisk, finding better positions to attack.

"Archers! Fire! " shouted the leader of the Seafarers.

The archers unleashed a hail of arrows against the basilisk.

Most of the arrows were deflected by the hard scales of the basilisk.

"Physical attacks barely deal damage huh? Maybe magic can do something. " I mused to myself.

"Mages! Fire!" the leader of the Dragon Knights commanded.

The mages unleashed a plethora of different spells towards the basilisk.

It seems that they did more damage to the basilisk compared to the archers.

"As I thought, magic works better. "

I reached the back of the basilisk. It massive tail is swinging around as the battle rages on.

I have to be careful or I'll probably take a ton of damage. A min-maxed assassin like me wouldn't even last for a few hits.

"Mana Enchantment "

I cast the skill Mana Enchantment, imbuing my blade with a magical light blue aura. This empowers my attacks, adding additional magic damage to each strike.

I ran up the basilisk and took a strike at the back of it's head.


The basilisk growled in pain.

It did a lot of damage but the basilisk seems to be enraged.

The basilisk does a spin attack using its massive tail, unleashing destruction around itself.

It seems like phase 2 of the boss fight has begun.

The attack pattern of the basilisk changed to a more agressive type.

The beast rampages across the battlefield.

"Damn. If this continues, I won't be able to hit it's head soon. " I muttered.

"Vanguard! Move away from the basilisk for a bit. We'll blast it with spells for the meantime. " said Pierre.

The vanguard retreated and the mages unleashed spells upon the basilisk.

"Graaaaaaaaargh!!! "

The beast falls down to the ground.

"Now's our chance! Charge! " exclaimed the War Hammer leader.

Most of the raid party charged at the basilisk, unleashing attack after attack.

After a few seconds the basilisk rose from the ground and screamed.


It's going to unleash an hp trigger attack.

"Everyone! Retreat! The basilisk is going to attack! " said Amelia.

"The NPC's can predicts attacks now? That's nice. "

The NPC's usually take damage from the trigger attacks due to their A.I. being unable to predict attacks. But it seems that they are now upgraded? Or is is just certain NPC's?

The basilisk unleashed a pillar of fire around it. Some of the NPC's were hit by the attack, killing them.

"Hey... That attack is a bit too strong..."

Even though the basilisk is an endgame boss, the NPC's in this quest are above level 90 so they have a respectable amount of health.

The basilisk is now moving away from the battlefield.

It seems that we are finally at the last boss phase.

"Everyone! Look out for attacks! Each strike of the basilisk is deadly and it must be avoided at all costs! " said the Dragon Knights leader.

"Now the basilisk sacrificed defense for offence. It must be close to dying. Time to finish this boss. "

I moved around the basilisk, trying to find an opening.

I saw Amelia standing behind the basilisk.

"Adventurer. Let's finish this beast off. It's too dangerous to be kept alive. " she said.

'Speed Boost III'

'Attack Boost III'

'Defense Boost III'

I received three buffs from Amelia.

"Wow. She's really one of the best NPC's. "

"Are you ready? " she asked.

I looked at her eyes and I saw eyes full of courage and determination.

She seems to display human emotion huh? The devs really do have favorites after all. Still, I gotta commend their tastes. Good job you degenerates.

"Adventurer! Stop wasting time! We have to stop the basilisk before it gets away! " Amelia scolded me.

"Wait what? An NPC can do this now? "

I really have to hand it to the devs, they really do a lot of stuff for their waifus.

I rushed towards the back of the basilisk with Amelia.

I ran up the back of the basilisk, towards the back of its head.

Amelia remained on the ground, looking like she's about to cast a spell.

I reached the neck of the basilisk and unleashed one of my strongest spells.

"Carnage Killer!!!"

My blade was imbued with a blood red aura. The air around my blade is engulfed in a dark crimson smoke.

I took 6 quick slashes against the basilisk and ended the skill with a stab.


The basilisk roared from pain.

The attack did a lot of damage but it wasn't enough to finish the basilisk off.

"Dammit. This thing has a shit ton of hp!"

"It's heading towards a village! " an NPC screamed.

"Shit! We can't let that thing near that village! " exclaimed the War Hammer leader.

"It's no use! We can't finish it off! " one of the mages said.

Behind the basilisk, Amelia was chanting the incantations for a spell.

"Maiden of virtue, stained by iron and blood. Bless me with the light to pass judgement upon the wicked. "

A pillar of light shines from the skies down to the ground.

"Let the scales of justice decide the fate of the sinners. "

Two orbs of magic energy appears behind Amelia.

One glowing bright yellow, and the other is glowing dark purple.

"Let me be the sword to deliver justice."

Amelia raisers her rapier. A holy aura surrounds making it shine brighter than the sky.

"The time of judgement has come! "

"Iris of Light and Dark!!!!!"

Amelia pointed her rapier towards the basilisk.

The orbs shattered and released streams of energy, gushing towards the basilisk.

The contrasting energies encircled the beast, restricting its movements and sealing its fate.

A tornado of contrasting colors enveloped the basilisk.

The NPC's fighting beside me all stopped in their tracks and stood in awe of the scenery.

The magical energy surrounding the basilisk converged towards a single point and it released a massive explosion.

"Iris of Light and Dark... Isn't that the spell she used at the end of Iron and Blood? I gotta check the wiki later..."

' Mission Clear! '


EXP 800 000

Gold 200 000

Item: Basilisk Scale

Item: Basilisk Fang

Item: Basilisk Claw

"Good work everyone. Even though we lost some good men, we managed to defeat the basilisk. " said Pierre.

"Adventurer. Thank you for your help. The Iron Rose Guild will remember your actions today. Shall we head back to the hall? "he asked me.

Return to Iron Rose Guild Hall?

'Yes' 'No'


The loading screen flashed for a bit and we returned to the hall.

"That quest actually took a while to finish. I am getting a bit rusty? " I mused to myself.

I surveyed the room I am currently in.

Pierre's room. A bunch of NPC's are standing in the room, some them are among the ones killed in the battle earlier.

"NPC's huh... " I searched for a certain NPC inside the room.

She's standing at the near a window, looking outside.

"I think she really is the favorite of the devs. If only she had a partner card. "

I was about to log out of the game when felt like someone was looking at me.

I paid it no heed.

"Must be deja vu or something. "

Next chapter