
Poseidon versus Kraken

The trident connected with the giant beast, and loud booming sound ensued. The beast was pushed back, bleeding. A shock wave was created and hit the ship. It was pushed a few meters back.

However the others on the ship still didn't seem to see anything.

As he looked at the two fighting, Arthur was more and more sure about the identity of the two. First a giant octopus like beast roaming the coasts between Norway and Greenland… The Kraken.

As for the giant man, who could be powerful enough to create a storm this big? Who of such power could possibly use the Trident?

Arthur had previously learned of the existence of Gods, especially of Greek Gods. What if the man fighting the Kraken wasn't a man, but a God? What if he was Poseidon himself?

After all, to unleash so much power that you can alter the surroundings, Arthur knows for sure no Wizard can do that. Sure it could simply be a strong giant living in the sea, but Arthur already knew Poseidon exists, and who would dare use a Trident while at sea?

Poseidon raised his Trident, and a gigantic tide formed behind him. The Kraken used one of its tentacles as a whip and striked Poseidon, who didn't have the time to dodge. The strike injured the God as golden blood fell in the sea.

This injury seemed to anger the god as he roared and bright light appeared from his wound. Strangely, the injury began expanding, and it created a hole in his body. It was if his skin was falling off his flesh.

However, it wasn't red flesh that was being revealed. Instead, only light came out of under his skin. The Kraken howled in pain and closed its eyes, thrashing around.

However, Arthur could look at the god without problem. Soon, all of Poseidon's skin fell in the sea, merged with it, while only a bright light was left, clutching the Trident.

The light lessened and a man appeared. This was Poseidon's true form. Long blond hair, literal Greek God body structure, strong arms…

At the same time, the First Mate who was below happened to look in that direction, and he abruptly fell on the ground. Arthur looked at him curiously, and understood he was dead.

The Captain and the Navigator were frightened, they didn't know how he died, and they wished the ship could go faster. This storm was bigger than they could have ever imagined, and the sudden death of the First Mate frightened them.

They stopped controlling the ship and instead both kneeled, and began praying. They ignored the droplets of water from the rain that felt like rocks, the wind that was getting through the protection and prayed hard for the God of the Ocean to protect them, which happened to be Poseidon himself.

Being not far away, the God had obviously felt the ship next to them. Until now he had ignored them, but being so close and in his Divine Form, how couldn't he feel their prayers?

The prayers didn't really empowered him as they were only two, so they were useless, but Poseidon was feeling sorry for the First Mate who died because he watched in his direction when he transformed.

In this world, the gods have erected a barrier between them and the mortals known as the Mist which hides their world from mortals. This is why despite the ongoing battle the people on board couldn't see the Kraken or Poseidon.

The only one immunized to the Mist was Arthur, as illusions couldn't affect him. It was the same with the Divine form. When a god reveals his Divine Form, anyone who sees it will be hurt. If the power levels are too far from each other then you will die from watching a god. Even the Kraken, who could pull up a fight against the God, didn't dare looking at him.

But Arthur could, thanks to his affinity to light.

As for Poseidon he knew about Arthur being on top of the ship, and he was curious as to why he was there, but he never looked in his direction so he didn't know Arthur could see them.

The Kraken though, knew he was there. But for some strange reason, it didn't act.

The two behemoth continued fighting, and the storm intensified, but thanks to Poseidon's help, the ship wasn't getting damaged. But it wasn't moving either, it was turning around the battle.

Noticing the strange happening, Poseidon roared "Kraken, why do you keep those mortals here? I am the one you must pay attention to!"

The Kraken roared back "Fuck off!"

The fight continued, but the ship wasn't moving, much to Arthur's glee. Not talking about the calamity around them, Arthur had found something much better for his understanding of magic.

Looking at the Divine Form of a God just happened to be very stimulating for the mind. Actually, the Divine form of a God isn't just an appearance. Since the beginning of the fight, Arthur's eyes had stayed on Poseidon, and the latter's form was changing non stop.

It was as if his form wasn't definite. Arthur could feel some of the questions he had since a long time ago be answered, while new ones emerged.

The fight went on for half an hour, and by now the people on the ship were in despair. They couldn't seem to leave the storm, and in their eyes they were always moving forward, they didn't know they were turning in circles around the fight.

As for the fight itself, the Kraken was on the losing side. It had injured Poseidon multiple times, but its own injuries were far more sever. Its tentacles had all been cut several times, and although they could grow back quickly it still made the Octopus spend a great deal of energy.

The water around had been tainted in black from all the Kraken's blood. Poseidon had bled too, but he wasn't severely injured.

Suddenly, Poseidon's Trident hit the Kraken pushing it back and making it bleed before Poseidon's foot landed on its head. Poseidon exerted strength and pushed the Kraken down and said mightily "Where is it!"

The Kraken replied "You can kill me if you want, my child will avenge me!"

Poseidon made a fist with his left hand and punched the Kraken before saying "Tell me! Where is it or I will kill you!"

The Kraken let out a strange laugh that could only come from a Kraken and said "My son will grow up and one day overthrow you…"

The Kraken was interrupted as Poseidon pierced its head with his Trident, ending the mythical monster's life. Poseidon raised his Trident high, lifting the Kraken off the sea.

That's when Arthur realized how big this beast was. Its tentacles were actually hundreds of meters long, and even while raised in the air Arthur couldn't see how big its main body was. All he knew was that even in his giant form, Poseidon was actually very small compared to the squid.

Poseidon looked at the dead body of the Kraken in contempt and flicked his Trident. The humongous body of the Kraken fell back in the water, creating tides big enough to sink the ship Arthur was in.

Poseidon made a strange sound and fishes began appearing around the corpse of the Kraken. Poseidon then said "Take its corpse to Atlantis. It deserves a proper burial despite its treason."

The fishes around executed the orders but one among them, a hybrid of a shark and a human said "But my Lord, she was a traitor…"

Poseidon frowned and replied "She might have betrayed me, she did it to protect her child. I understand that. I want her child, and she wished to protect it. It is noble of her to sacrifice her life for her child, so she deserves a proper burial."

If the Kraken is refered as 'she' instead of 'it' at the end it is to show it is a female, and also the respect Poseidon shows it calling her she instead of it.

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