
Chapter 79

Time seemed to pass quickly at Hogwarts, and even though he was not learning anything from his classes, the books he gained from the Room of Requirement provided interesting insights and spells.

Unfortunately, whether from design or simply there were none, Chad could find no personal journals of the Hogwarts Founders among the piles of books his house-elves had copied. Not even any of the Headmasters' private musings.

There was a thousand years worth of books that had been brought into the wards of the magical school, and Chad had ordered a completely new underground library to be constructed when they first started their copying operation.

Thankfully, the RoR did not copy everything written down in Hogwarts as he would have had piles of school assignments to sift through for relevance, although this could also be why there was never any personal diaries or journals discovered.

In the end, Chad had still discovered finished books on a few subjects written by the Founders, but they were merely original course books for their students, nothing like grimoires holding powerful spells or knowledge.

Still, as the months flew past Chad enjoyed his time either reading, training his two minions or experimenting with his captive Phoenix and Basilisk. With no engineered deadly situations to worry about, Hogwarts was just a regular school, albeit a magical one.

With Dumbledore gone, there was no constant spying or schemes to worry about, but Chad kept up a steady vigilance just in case the old coot popped out of nowhere. Dumbles was still in the wind after all.

Snape was thoroughly under Chad's control and kept him up to date with his correspondence with Dumbledore, though it was rather one way. When he had inquired if it was possible to track the owl delivering the missives, Severus had informed Chad that Dumbledore had spells active to prevent that.

The old man was nearly as paranoid as himself and not even Snape, a man Dumbles considered his closest confidant, knew where he was or what his plans were. He was to simply 'keep an eye on Potter' and report the goings-on in the castle.

Pettigrew was no longer scurrying around Hogwarts ready to pop out and do Death Eater things, and with Sirius already out of Azkaban, there would be no breakout and Dementors at school.

Though that line of thought had brought up more evidence of Dumbledore's manipulations. If Snape was his spy and informed him about the attack on the Potters, how did Dumbledore not know about Pettigrew?

In many fanfictions that Chad had read in his previous life, if Dumbledore was not evil, he was simply oblivious to Sirius Black's innocence. There was no way he wouldn't quiz Snape on how Voldemort found out about the Potter's location or who was the traitor.

And if Snape didn't know, then he was the worst spy ever known. Then there was Voldemort's whole inner circle that were aware of Wormtail the betrayer, and they would have certainly known of Black's innocence.

The only other explanation was that Snape had been able to keep it a secret from Dumbledore somehow, and that just meant he was more of a douche than Chad first thought. Either way, the man was now under his command and would not be causing any problems.

Other than the Horcrux diary, Chad had taken care of any problems other than the Goblet of Fire. And with Barty Jnr most likely dead or with Dumbledore, Chad didn't see how that was going to happen. Unless the old goat engineered something himself. But his name change should hopefully protect against any unexpected magical contracts.

No, Chad was experiencing a peaceful school life with Dumbledore out of the picture, and until he made his return, Chad planned to take advantage of it. No sense continually worrying about something he could do nothing about without making things worse. That's what contingency plans were for!

With Phoenix Tears and a live Basilisk on hand to harvest, Chad had an unlimited supply of components to play with. Though the skin that grew back was not as powerful as the first harvest, it was still miles better than any other magically defensive material currently on the market.

School holidays came and went with Chad choosing to spend them getting to know his dogfather better. The man-child was pretty fun to hang out with, even if Sirius did try a bit too hard.

Thankfully, Sirius was not well versed on the animal kingdom and believed Chad when he said his new animal form was a Blue Swallow. How would he know any different? It was not like the notorious slacker was going to comb through books on birds to prove him wrong.

This deflected a lot of potentially embarrassing situations from his playboy guardian, Sirius' eyebrow wiggling and insinuations would have been unbearable!

Australia, or now Chadtopia he supposed, was firmly under his control. With a steady stream of people still leaving, the population had fallen below five million nationwide. This was a good thing in Chad's books since fewer people would make it easier to handle any changes to the new management of the country.

Though he still needed a new name for his country, Chadtopia was a bit on the nose. Maybe he should keep Australia as the country's name and make Chadtopia the name of his magical kingdom.

Anyone that caused too much trouble had been detained and put to work under elf supervision. Others had just been forcefully placed on a plane out of the country to become someone else's problem. Those that had seen anything magical now enjoyed a lifetime of slavery.

There had also been talk from his loyal house-elves of a magical breeding program for wizards and muggles to increase their muggle-born workforce. The little buggers were ruthless in their need to streamline their Master's Kingdom and make it successful.

Chad didn't want to just enslave the entire population of muggle Australia as that would be more trouble than it was worth. Much better to lower taxes, streamline government and offer free land and housing to any that chose to remain.

With his massive personal wealth, it wasn't like he needed the money the Australian taxes would generate, and pumping it back into the country would help appease any people still left with grievances over the forceful annexing of a continent.

Still, the entire process had left him not wanting to do it again, and his subjugation teams moving through Africa had become even more cautious because of it. Thankfully, it had a large area with a sparse population, much like Australia.

The Uagadou School of Magic had fewer students than Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic in Africa covered the entire continent, each country didn't have its own separate magical government.

With twenty thousand Wizards and Witches spread out over the huge and mostly wild, untamed land, picking them off one by one was just a matter of time. Something that Chad had plenty of, it was still only 1992 after all, and surveillance cameras would not become widespread for years.

After the brief upset that Harry Potter, Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore caused Britain's Ministry of Magic, they quickly returned back to normal. It was almost like they purposely forgot it had happened and fell back into old routines.

Chad could only shake his head and wonder at their willingness to forget anything that conflicted with their 'perfect' worldview. Was this why canon Harry Potter kept being flip-flopped between a Dark Lord and a Hero?

He continued to upset the balance in their otherwise harmonious lives that were stuck in a time loop of technological and societal stagnancy?

Whatever it was, it worked to Chad's advantage, as even without the changes he had made or Dumbledore to push things along, events still continue to play out the same as canon. That was evident when Dobby made an appearance.

He had tried to interfere with Chad's mail, only to be brought down by his elves. Since he was aware of Dobby's plans, Chad had those guarding his mail inform Dobby that there was no need to prevent Harry Potter from going to Hogwarts.

They already knew about the Diary and would see it destroyed. In fact, they even had a plan to liberate him if he wished to join their group. A simple method of being invisible while Lucius was changing and catching the discarded clothes was explained to the fanatical house-elf. He joined one month later.

Arthur Weasley still started to conduct raids looking for dark artifacts at the start of his second year of Hogwarts, and Malfoy tried to sell off his to Borgin and Burke's antique shop. Hell, even Lockhart was going to be the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

When Lockhart had announced his new position at Hogwarts in the Daily Prophet, Chad had nearly done a spit take. The sheer ridiculousness of that man teaching anything other than the Memory Charm was unbelievable.

He had no idea why McGonagall went along with it, maybe Auror Blintley had spread the word on how he had been treated at Hogwarts or the 'joys' of teaching children to his workmates.

Blintley had, after all, just been a stand-in replacement that had been stuck in the position when no one else volunteered. Caught between no other candidates and a well-known public figure, maybe McGonagall had just given in. That or Dumbledore was still pulling her strings.

Either way, Chad was now watching from across the street as Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley scuffled like muggles in Flourish and Blotts. Sirius was with him on this shopping trip and was confused why his godson wanted to go on this particular day.

He had even made an offhand comment that 'Harry had must revere Lockhart's adventure' for which he had received a rather viciously aimed stinging hex. Magical houses were rather convenient for their Trace nullifying abilities!

Chad had timed their trip perfectly with the aid of house-elf minions and had just arrived to see the fight between Lucius and Arthur. Since he was watching for it, he even managed to see Lucius slip the diary into Ginny's cauldron via her Transfiguration book.

"Are we not going to go over and say hello?" Sirius inquired after seeing the fight through the shop window, unsure why they were not getting in on the action of the two wizards feuding.

He had nothing against the Arthur Weasley other than his love for Dumbles, but Malfoy would be fun to poke fun at.

"As entertaining as that would be, I am more concerned with Voldemort's Horcrux that Malfoy just gave to the little red-headed girl," Chad replied nonchalantly.


"Do try not to make a scene Sirius, we are here to retrieve it secretly after all."

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