
Project Elisa 1811

Author: her_ink_1996
Ongoing · 20.3K Views
  • 8 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What if the tragedy buried in the past have a darker story than you thought. Would you still go back? Elisa 1811 is a time machine project led by Prof. Henry Venercheck a well-known scientist of his generation. But despite all his success a part of his soul was trapped in the past that made his life miserable and incomplete. His burning desire to go back in time holds a secret behind the death of Elisa the only girl he loved the most. But one day, Henry was found dead beside a spilled bottle of wine in a built-in wine cellar under his laboratory office. His death left a mission to Louise Venercheck his nephew who is now an orphan to continue the project. Louise found the diary of his uncle that reveals a story in 1954. He opened the first page of the diary and it says: Elisa, "I have returned " Love, Henry

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Chapter 1Chapter 2 - Diary

Louise stayed in the office to think about the next move he is about to make. It's been a stressful day for him and did not have the time to sort things up. He entered the elevator and went down to the basement where his uncle's wine cellar collection is located. He needs to drink a little bit of red wine to calm down.

As he was about to pick his all-time favorite wine brand something caught his eyes. There is a black notebook on the floor, he thought that his uncle might drop it there. Out of his curiosity, Louise picked it up and observed his uncle's engraved name on the thick notebook cover. He brought the notebook and wine as he went up to the office. He was fascinated by his uncle's old fashion spirit to keep a diary as old as this. He set up classic music as he started reading it but it took him a few minutes to turn the page as the first thing he read was short but full of emotions.


I have returned.



He felt awkward at first because his uncle never told him a story about a girl named Elisa but if this is a love letter he must say his uncle is a man of few words.

Henry's Diary. ( flashback Diary ) 65 years ago

June 01, 1954

I have flown to New Zealand to accept the scholarship grant I received through winning in a research competition but a part of me is yearning for my hometown. I wanted to go back and live a normal life with my mom but this is the only chance I have to make her smile again. To be someone she dreamed of becoming – a famous scientist. If only Fred Viregkhe did not steal her research my mom could have gained the credits of formulating the cure for the AU virus that contaminated the drinking water in New Zealand back in the days.

My mom was from a poor family and Fred Viregkhe is a son of the prime minister. They used to be friends not until Fred betrayed her. That's the only reason I accepted the offer is to return to this land and regain my mom's name through me and my achievement. As a scholar, I have to live in a dormitory inside the university and it was sponsored by Rebecca Constantine the head of Lab and research-based in Auckland, she is one of the judges when I joined the contest in Korea as we both believe in the wonders of nature and how the elements within the plants can neutralize diseases in the future.

She became interested in my talent and sponsored me to enhance my skills. This is how my life began in New Zealand. I have 2 roommates named Bill and Tristan . Bill is a son of a businessman while Tristan is also a scholar just like me. We get along just fine since both of them are really friendly.

At 6:02 in the morning June 2nd , I was half awake due to a bike that kept on ringing from our doorstep it was hard for me to wake up because my body is adjusting to the weather it was too cold for me so Bill being the the youngest and his bed closest to the door he is the one to check who's outside .With a sleepy head Bill walked towards the door with his pajamas on.A girl on a bike wearing a yellow jacket beaming with a smile said

" Calcium Delivery!"

Bill was too shocked to see an angel in the morning how could a girl be as beautiful as the sunrise.

" Oh, hello good morning "

" Calcium delivery " she gave a bottle of milk to Bill

" I am Elisa, you must be new here, I am working in a farm across your building , I will be delivering fresh milk every morning "

" Oh , ah ammm I see , Thank you really appreciate it " Bill kept looking at her face. He never drank milk due to his lactose intolerance but he must be happy to accept a bottle of milk from a very gorgeous girl.

She went back to her bicycle and said a reminder

" Oh by the way , leave the bottle on your doorstep. I will be picking it up at 5pm, bye!

Bill goes back to their room stunned and surprised.

Bill goes back to their dorm looking hypnotized.

" Fairies, angels … , who would have thought that they would be just here in New Zealand "

Bill mumbled while trying to make sense on his own. Henry tried to ask him but it felt like he was on another dimension.

" Hey Bill, what happened to you?"

" She's an angel ... or a fairy or she can be both ... she delivers milk in the morning, she is as pure as a milk , Can I call her White Fairy " Bill smiled while daydreaming.

Henry goes to Tristan to ask what's going on, Tristan ask him to go closely to him and he whispered .

" It's just Puberty, don't worry", Tristan figured.

Henry smirked a little bit as he understood what Tristan was trying to point out. They ate breakfast and prepared to register their subjects at the university.


Louise stopped reading when his phone rang out in the middle-- " cute slave calling" he was startled and closed the diary that he was reading when he picked up the phone.

" Hello? " he said as he forgot who she is.

" Ah Mr. Venercheck this is Ellie. I am at the Lobby right now, May I please know which way should I proceed? "

Louise just remembered that he was about to call back to clarify the contract but forgot about this matter.

" Ahhhh... oh I see, can you proceed to the 7th floor I need to discuss something with you.

" Alright I'll be on my way up Sir, thank you "

Ellie finally reached the 7th floor where the office of Louise is located however she was struggling at the elevator due to her luggage. As she finally walked to the office she felt a little nervous due to the intimidating vibe of the office no wonder this laboratory was accredited internationally because of its modern design and facility.

He tried to knock on the door but everything was quiet when suddenly a man walks on the hallway and saw her peaking on the glass door.

" Follow me, I will talk to you at the meeting room it's on the other side "

Elle was surprised about how cool he said those words, his voice is just so manly that it lingers on her ears, even though she was a little scared of his presence; she still followed him unto the next door.

" Please take a seat " Louise commanded politely.

Louise was waiting for her to finally enter the room but she was struggling to fit in from the door due to her huge Luggage.

" You may leave that outside for now, and pick it up later on "

She left it beside the door and entered the meeting room herself. They are now both seated.

" Ammm to start with, I don't know how to say this ... but ahh I really did not initiate this job posting, the one who interviewed you was me but it's not like it's me" Louise explained with uncertainty.

Elle looked so confused, during the video call interview the other night the lights were dimmed, but she is certain that it's the same person.

" I know you're a little bit confused right now but maybe I was just a little drunk that time and played pranks on you " Louise tried to give her an alibi.

"But Mr. Venercheck everything was so precise, was project Elisa 1811 also part of the prank?

" Project Elisa do exist, but it is a secret and personal project of mine"

" I know you told me during the interview that you only need one person for the job because of its confidentiality"

" Yeah but I have not decided to ..... "

" Please Mr. Venercheck, this job is the only option I have, I might end up in the streets after this"

" What do you mean by that ?

looks at the doors where her luggage is...

" I was evicted from my apartment, because I can't pay my rent ... blocked by agencies because of a former boss connection"

" And why would he do that? "

" It was my fault, I messed up the designer bag of her daughter and got fired after 10 minutes"

Louise could be a cold-hearted casanova who messed up with girls but he has a soft spot for someone being belittled it's a feeling that he hates above anything else because he was bullied back then due to his disorder, no one wants to be friends with him and they call him

" Beast". Louise suddenly felt dizzy with extreme headache, he almost fell in the chair but Elle prevented that from happening

" Mr. Venercheck, Are you okay? " Ellie was genuinely worried.

He suddenly looked at her eye to eye with sharp eyes as if nothing happens.

" Of course , I'm totally fine ... go back to your sit " before Elle about to take a seat

" You may start tomorrow ,I already have an assignment prepared for you, you better brace yourself. It's not going to be an easy job and no turning back, remember the contract ?"

" Yes , I agree with everything, thank you so much for this opportunity, so this is not a prank anymore " Ellie wanted some reassurance.

" Psssh ( smirk ) that punk really takes me as a joke "

" No it wasn't what I meant " Ellie apologised.

" ( laugh ) straighten up ! I wasn't referring to you"

Elle looked to the left and right and around the room but nobody else was there.

" Read your contract carefully , you should know what you're about to do from now, page 22 paragraph 4, I'll see you tomorrow"

Before he goes out of the room he turned around to ask a final question .

" By the way , Who's cooler, the "Me" 15 minutes ago or me right now? "

" What ? ah – ahmmm " she just raised her thumbs up like an involuntary muscle .

He smirked once again

" You're right, I am just way cooler right now that jerk is just so boring, See ya around! "

She was so relieved that she got the job, however, she's still confused about what did she do to be called punk or jerk, not unless his boss has a third eye to see extraterrestrial things in the room. She proceeds to a room at the 7th floor where she will be staying, according to her contract she has to stay in the office until they finish project Elisa 1811 even though she doesn't know what it is; she's too broke at the moment that uncertain things like this become a blessing.

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