
3. Power and Rebirth

"Hmm... why are you crying doesn't this guy's overall all powers good," asked the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"You think Monkey D Luffy is good!?" asked Steve with a strained voice.

"Isn't he!? I mean sure he wasn't that strong in the beginning but in the latest chapter, he is already at the level of an Admiral isn't he, moreover, you will have all the knowledge you would need to train yourself like him and even Thor's powers won't hurt you so why so worried" asked the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"Yeah the guy is strong but I would die before I even reach that level" Steve stated.

"Hmm... What do you mean!?" asked the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"Luffy has an incredibly fast metabolism. He burns through calories much too quickly to put on any fat even after eating so much you know. Now I will be in vault D so how the hell do you think will I be able to get that much food. With the high metabolism of Luffy if I don't eat as enough to maintain my high Metabolism I would die of hunger and it's not like I will be able to tell them to give me more food without them finding my ability which will destroy the timeline you know." explained Steve.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that I will take care of it until you get out of Vault D the food that you will eat will be enough to maintain your high metabolism " stated the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"So what you will bless my food with high metabolism or something?" asked Steve.

"Yeah, something like that" replied the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"Well then that's taken care of but I wanna ask this powers of Luffy that I am gonna get what will they be!? I mean will they be Mutant powers or just enhanced powers," asked Steve.

"No, since you are going to marvel through Agent Of SHIELD your powers will be of the same origin as the ones that were the most focused in the series." explained the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"So Inhumans, but didn't you said I will have my powers with me the moment I wake up in Grant Ward's body so I won't be going through Terrigenesis," asked Steve

"No, you won't have to go through that I will just change your body into that of an inhuman and give you the power. As a God, I can do these things, and nothing will change" said the Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"That's great then," Steve said nodding his head.

"So are you ready!?" asked Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"One minute I wanna ask you something else!" said Steve.

"Ok, ask away!" said Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"You said earlier that you are just using this face and can wear any face you want" asked Steve.

"That right!" said Morgan Freeman look-alike God.

"So out of all the handsome faces on the earth, for you to choose, you choose the face of an 83 old man!? Why?" asked Steve.

The Morgan Freeman look-alike God didn't have any reply for that so while waving his hands he said "Just go will you"

"Bu-" Steve was cut in between as his body disappeared and his soul entered a wormhole that appeared out of nowhere.

"Hmm... maybe I should choose a new face someone young and handsome after all there is no reason for me to look old even if I was there from the beginning maybe that's why my wife looks at me like that when I am wearing this face," said Morgan Freeman look-alike God.



Vault D

Grant Ward was laying in his bed after getting treatment and sedative due to his recent headbanging when a soul invisible to the naked eyes and camera appeared out of nowhere and entered his body. 5 minutes later Grant Ward opened his eyes but this Grant Ward was not the same Grant Ward as before. Steve has merged with Grant Ward and taken upon his body.

"TSS" Steve now known as Grant Ward hissed in pain when he got the last 30 years of memories of this body.

'Man this Guy's life was messed up, I was wrong there was no way he could have taken the root I was thinking he doesn't have the mental stability for that' thought Steve or now Grant thought.

"Well looks like it's been a month since I was brought here so that gives me roughly 5 months before Coulson hands me over to my Grants brother, no he is my brother now since I am Grant Ward now," said Grant to himself.

'Well let's look at the powers that I got' thinking till here Grant sat on the bed in the meditation pose to properly understand his powers.

'So I can't use my Gum Gum power and neither can I use Armament Haki, Observation Haki I could use, and even Conquerors Haki but neither of the two is strong. I can only sense 10 meters around me and my Conquerors Haki won't knock out a single SHIELD or HYDRA agent with its current strength. The first thing I need to do is increase my will if I want to strengthen my Haki and with the memories of previous Grant I am sure I can do that, looks like I will have to dive into the memories much earlier than I thought' Grant said to himself in his mind.

The moment Grant was gonna enter those memories he picked up someone who had just entered the range of his Observation Haki. Grant opens his eyes in time to see the opaque wall in front of him clear and sitting on the chair on the other side of the prison was the current Director of SHIELD Philip J. Coulson.

"So you have regained consciousness Ward, it's faster than last time are you getting used to the sedative," asked Coulson with a neutral face.

Ward didn't know what to say to Coulson so he kept his mouth shut for now.

"I am telling you, Ward, if you weren't important for SHIELD I would have let you die so don't try to commit suicide, if you piss me off anymore I may not save you again."

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