
First Bloody Combat

October 31, 1991

During the first month nothing major happened except that I was able to introduce 2 Slytherin girls into the club. So far we have eight people in total in the group.

Cedric Diggory - 4th year Hufflepuff

Cho Chang - 3rd Year Ravenclaw

Angelina Johnson- 3rd year Gryffindor

Katie Bell - 2nd year Gryffindor

Daphne Greengrass - 1st year Slytherin

Tracey Davis - 1st year Slytherin

Nymphadora Tonks - 7th Year Ravenclaw

Acrux Black-Stone - 4th Year Ravenclaw

We had to many people and people from all the houses that we could not go on without being unnoticed. That is why we had decided to create a exclusive study group to study the history of magic in Hogwarts. In order to join one must fulfil certain requirements and must have an invitation to even be considered.

Officially we meet once a month to discuss what we learned but unofficially I get reports every day about whats happening.

The first task that every member must do is become proficient in the mind arts, Advance in Occlumency and intermediate in Legilimency. So far other than Nymphadora and I, no one reached this phase.

The next task is to find the inner animal of the person and become a Animagus. This is mandatory as it could be used to in many scenarios and since the fine of not registering in the Ministry of Magic is 50,000 Galleons or a term in Azkaban. I have an account and lawyers set up just incase anyone from the group gets caught. If the person does not have a bloodline they will skip this task.

The next task which runs in parallel with the previous task is learning to fight not duel. In a duel there rules in place but in a fight there are no rules.

The last task and hardest test that they have to complete is the survival test. They have to survive in all the different scenarios with the basic to no supplies. This is the hardest task as it will use every they know to pass this task.

The time frame to complete the tasks within their school years will become a Knight rank while those who cannot will become a Commoner rank.

The other thing that one must do is pick a profession which they will pursue. We will help them become a Master in the profession as long as it is feasible.

As the Halloween Feast was happening in the Great Hall I was in the room of requirements surveying the situation at Hogwarts. If things goes the same as canon then there should be troll loose in the castle today.

As most students were enjoying the Halloween Feast the doors of the great hall was flung open. Professor Quirinus Quirrell dramatically entered the great hall half running.

"TROOOL!!! In the dungeon. Troll in the dungeon." he say as he ran half way into the great all.

"I thought you ought to know." he finished and then collapses and what looks like fainted.

All the students digest what Professor Quirrell said before panking and screaming. This time, Hermione was in the great hall and not crying in the bathroom as said in the book. I can see the effects of my actions.

"SIIIIIILENCE!!!" yelled Dumbledore and everyone went quiet.

"Prefects lead your group of students to common room. Teachers follow me to" Dumbledore was saying before he was interrupted by an modified Howler I had

in the Great Hall.

"Are you an idiot Dumbledore?" the Howler repeating what I was saying in another voice.

"There is a troll loose in the castle and you want the kids to travel around the castle I this situation. If you had any sense in the matter you would tell all the students to stay in the Great hall and make sure everyone is there. Then have some capabile teachers guard the Great Hall while the others track down the troll or the missing Kids. Note this Dumbledore, if you make stupid mistakes like these I will come back again."

The Howler stopped yelling and burnt down as I was done my speech. I quickly located the troll in the castle and head for it as it was time to fight a troll.

When I reached the troll it was heading towards the hospital wing. I had decided to make my stand here as I have a good reason for me to visit the Hospital Wing. Luckily it not see me.

Since Trolls have strong resistance to Magic I decided kill it with the spells learned in Hogwarts.

"Accio Club" I casted to remove the club from the trolls hand. As it was caught by surprise, it didn't have the time to grab on to the club. The next thing I did was transfigure the Club into a giant needle.

The troll coming out of its confusion and started to run towards me, I quickly finish my chain casting. I casted the feather weight charm on the needle for me to save magic power on my following spells. I casted a wingardium leviosa to raise the needle to the height of the Trolls chest and casted the banishing charm, Depulso at it. As it was heading towards the troll I casted the Gemino Curse or Doubling Charm, Geminio, on the needle.

The Troll was running at me only ten meters away from me when the needles pierced it. It was still running towards me when I sent another banishing charm at the needles which finally killed it.

At the sight of all the blood, I felt weird and began to throw up. This was my first direct kill which resulted in a bloody mess and I had to get over this nauseating feeling. As I was throwing up I saw the Professors heading towards me from the corner of my eyes.

A single release after a long time. I do not know when I will release the next chapter.

shakibcreators' thoughts
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