
Before Swan.

Life after Voldemort has been boring. Harry Potter end up married to his school sweetheart Ginny, have 3 awesome kids and a lot of grandchildren later on. Life is bland. Harry always felt that there is something missing, deep down his soul. He just can't describe it.

After a few years of marriage, Harry and Ginny began to grow distant. They still stay married, but they lived separately . They just hang in the relationship for the sake of the kids, and the Weasleys. Ginny already move pass the heartbreak phase of feeling not being loved enough by Harry, she focus on her career. Harry focus on the kids and their grandchildren instead.

Then he died. At 73. Because of Dragon Pox. Life end. Harry has been rather happy, actually, he's been waiting for the next journey after life.

If only.


Harry Potter open his eyes to see Lily Potter face in front of him. Lily has been so young and exhausted. She cooed over Harry.

Harry try to touch his mother face and surprise when he see little baby hand instead. He try to speak, but crying was heard. Harry has never been more resentful. Young James Potter show up, taking over Harry from Lily's embrace and sing lullaby for him. Harry is feeling sleepy. If this is a dream, it's a nice dream.

Until he met Petigrew. And Sirius. Merlin must hate him so much, he's been forced to watch the play on how his parents die.

He's looking over Voldemort who's trying to cursed him. The Dark Lord look spooky with snake like face and a bit insane. Harry wonder if Voldemort is losing himself because of his horcruxes. The cursed bounced back. Voldemort is gone. Harry lost his consciousness.

Harry feel like he's flying in the air. When he woke up, he's in Hogwarts Hospital wing. This is new. He doesn't remember this event before. Dumbledore told Madam Pomfrey to forget this. Ooh. He's obliviate her. Harry closed his eyes. He open it again to see a familiar door of Privet Drive no.4.

Life goes on. Again. Harry try his best to save everyone. It's like he got a second chance to fix everything. Harry got Sirius savely. He got Remus. He save the others too. They won the War. Again.

Harry end up with Ginny, again. Their marriage life is almost as same as in his previous life. When Ginny leave him for Dean Thomas, Harry said nothing. He's so used to be a part of the Weasley's. Sirius didn't like it thought. He always got into argument with Molly. They have mutual dislikes toward each other. Sirius blamed Ginny while Molly blamed Harry for the ruined marriage.

Hermione, bless her, has decided to just quit her relationship with Ron. She work her ass off in the Ministry of Magic, only to get quarrel at home with Ron. Both call end of the relationship, with Ron get back together with his ex, Lavender Brown, now Mrs.Ronald Weasley. And Lavender prove as the perfect choice for Ron, she make Molly proud. Lavender is the dream daughter in law she always wanted, not a working daughter in law. Hermione got cold shoulder from Molly and in turn the Weasleys put a distance between them.

Harry still frequently contact Hermione, get in touch over work. She try and failed get the Muggleborn to stay at the Magical World, even after the famous Wizarding War II, where they defeat Voldemort for good. The reason is simple, the Old Blood remain untouched, making the Magical World stay in their ancient way. Whereas the Muggleborns, dissapointed by the unchanged Magical world, goes back to the Muggle world, being normal, losing their magic eventually.

Harry live past 73. He live to see the Muggles finally found out about the Magical World. Their new British Prime Minister is quite skeptical about bunch of lunatic that claim to have Magic in their blood. He goes and make a live speech about it, which, with internet, became a trending topic on all side of the world.

The Muggles turned hostile to anything that related to Magic, from weird things that can't be explain logically at most to such simple things that's totally unrelated. They are afraid of something they don't know.

This led to an open war between Magic and non Magic. Muggleborns are forced to take side. To abandon their muggle family or to abandon their magic. It's not even the end because the non magic will still doubt them and end up alienate them or worse, end their life.

The Magical World try their best to hold up, but it's hard to when you're not even 10% of the non magic population. Non magic started to hunt the one with magic. A lot of Magical World population hiding behind the protection charms of their home. Still, the non magic way to wipe off the magic works better. There was bomb. And others, found it's way on destroying the magical world. And Magical world became nothing but a fairytale.

Harry did not managed to protect the last of his kind. He's the last one left of Britain Magical Population. He's been doing nothing. He's been feeling nothing. Sitting alone on what was left of the Grimmauld Place. The non magic has long abandon the place.

They started to fight within themself now, accusing one another of being magic. Try to put blame of what happen to what was left. Their world condition is not better. They're trying to save and shape their new world, but human greed know no bound.

Harry died in his sleep.

He open his eyes to another chance at life. Again. And again. And again.

He lost count on how many times he lived his life. He just want it to end.


It's Harry's life before the event in this book. More like a prologue.

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