
Preparation for school

Allan enter a shop with sign [ Madam malkin's robe for all occasion ] the shop is quiet empty.

He go toward the counter, there is a witch keeping guard there.

The witch ask with a smile " what do you need boy ? " Allan return the smile.

" I need robes madam " Allan say as he gaze at her.

" Hogwarts ? " the witch ask and Allan nod.

Then measuring tape fly off to measure him " what's your name ? " she ask.

" Allan Deathfalls " she froze a little, Allan don't mind.

" a peculiar name, you can go buy your supply it'll take time after all " Allan nod at her word.

" then I'll come later, thank you madam " then he exit the shop.

' a kind boy with a strange name ' Madam Malkin thought.

Allan go to other shop, first he buy a trunk with scretching spell on it and it also can turn smaller, it cost 20 Galleon.

He later buy Cauldron , quill, phial and others after he done the only things is book and wand.

He enter flourish and blotts and he search for the book he must have first, after he found the books, he search for books that interesting for him.

The book is stacked toward the ceiling so he has difficulty in search of book that interesting to him.

A about book legilimency and occlumency that he found dusted at a corner, Rune dictionary, Weird wizarding dilemmas and their sollution, Magical theory, Hogwarts a history.

He take those book to the counter, the clerk check them and his expression turned weird.

' his expression turned weird when he check book about legilimency and occlumency but why ? ' Allan thought, his calm face hiding his thought.

" the total is 11 Galleon " the clerk say, Allan nod then he stuff the books inside his new trunk.

After he done he take 11 Galleon and place it on the counter " thank you " Allan say then he exit the shop.

He place the trunk in his pocket after that he go toward Ollivanders, the place where he will buy his wand.

He walk as he observe his surrounding, he hold anticipation in his heart.

He arrive infront of Ollivanders but before he enter he remember the robe ' maybe it's finished ' he know this is a excuse.

He turn around then go toward Madam Malkin's shop, not to long later he enter it.

He go toward the counter seeing madam Malkin there " madam is it done yet ? " madam Malkin gaze at him and remember who is it.

" oh it's you, yes it is done " she take out robes to the counter.

Allan nod " how much it will be ? " he ask.

" it'll be 10 Galleon " Allan nod toward her, he place them at the trunk and then take out 10 Galleon from his sack.

" thank you dear " Allan nod as he smile.

" your welcome " then Allan exit the shop while composing himself for the last thing.

' my Wand ' he thought.

I Made up the price.

EternalGrowthcreators' thoughts
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