

I'm sorry to say that I can't upload a chapter in a while. My AP classes are taking over my summer and I can't have this novel distracting me from my school work. It's a promise I gave to my parents when they saw me writing.

For those who want to drop the book, feel free. It's probably the smartest thing to do. Once school starts I won't be able to upload at all. My schedule is pretty much full.

Again, sorry for doing this to you guys. You don't deserve it. Every single fan-fic author drops their books and I don't want to contribute to that trend. But I don't have a lot of options here.

If anyone is willing to take over this book! Y'all can adopt it! Probably raise it better than I can.

I feel like a real dick.

But on the other hand! Who makes you do an in-depth research on the history of MILK SHAKES!!!!

Who does that?

Travocreators' thoughts
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