

Ra found himself in another space, the air here was much more frigid than it had been inside the tomb.

Not far from where he stood lay a creature of immense proportions, he could not immediately guess its size.

Its scales were blue, and its eyes were like dinner plates, they seemed to gaze through his soul with a frosty glare.

Suddenly it roared as it struggled to stand.

Ra noticed it was missing a full wing and both hindlegs, whatever attacked this Dragon had been intent upon insuring it would be unable to fight back.

"You are not a Dragon," it said slowly.

"No, I am not," Ra agreed.

"And yet, you are the one who obtained my inheritance, do you think yourself worthy?"

"Whether I am worthy or not matters little if at all," said Ra. "Your inheritance belongs to me."

The Dragon seemed to have lost all of its bluster.

"Indeed, you hold my dragon soul, as such I am yours to control, be it good or ill." he sighed.

"Oh? Then tell me more about this dragon soul, it's the first we've heard of it."

The Dragon bowed its head.

"The dragon soul is all of the power a Dragon accumulates during its lifetime, normally, it is passed down to the Dragons kin to allow the next generation to surpass the previous."

"So I can absorb this?" Ra asked with excitement.

The Dragon snorted.

"I truly don't know, Human's were never meant to try." He answered.

Ra shrugged uncaringly.

"Tell me how."

"Your funeral." And the Dragon began walking him through the Dragon's Rite.

Frost like energy began spreading across the surface of Ra's skin as he followed the Dragon's instructions, his hearing began to pick up sounds that shouldn't be possible for him considering his location.

Ra was able to hear the sound of the trees and wind, the ocean, even smell the scent of grass.

He questioned the Dragon to which it replied.

"Oh? you've actually succeeded? and even enjoy a connection to the land?"

The Dragon thought about this for a while.

"Not bad, it seems your luck is quite good."

Suddenly Ra felt his powers draining from him rapidly, his strength was disappearing.

He shot an accusatory look at the Dragon.

"What did you do to me?"

The Dragon remained unfazed.

"Me? Nothing, did you think you would gain such power for nothing? I imagine that at this moment your body is adapting to the new changes and as a result your strength has been temporarily sealed." The Dragon nodded seemingly to himself as if this was expected.

Ra felt extremely unwilling in his heart but since it was already like this he was prepared to handle it.

"How do I...unseal them?"

The Dragon snorted-

"Beats the fuck outta me," he replied mirth filling his voice.

"Kid, I told you. It's your funeral."

"Fine then, I'll deal with you later." Although Ra was unconvinced, he'd done what he and the others had set out to do, obtain the Dragon's Legacy.

Having done so it was time to return, Ra quickly left the created space, and felt it withdraw into the orb.

Feeling as if he could reopen it at any time he had no qualms over closing it.

It wasn't long before he reappeared before the pedestal upon which the orb, or rather the dragon soul had once rested.

He concealed his weakened state from the others and gave his final order.

"Time to go home."

The group made their retreat from the Dragon Tomb, Ra picked a significantly safer path than he would otherwise, he could not afford to be so tyrannical at this time.

"I see the exit!" Natalia shouted in glee, immense joy suffused her face.

It had been hard on her the past few days, sleeping on the ground, protecting Elves from the freezing temperatures, and fighting off frost giants.

She had already sworn to never to anything like it ever again, nevertheless her harvest this trip had been quite good, advancing two full stages to reach her current Epic Knight soul.

She put on a burst of speed and quickly left the tomb, and the others followed closely behind.

Ra was the last to leave, although his power was sealed he still considered himself responsible for their lives.

After exiting himself he breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the end of the ordeal.

Next chapter