Sasuke died and woke up in the different world
A young man lying in bed, his eyes moving, indicating that he would wake up. when he opened his eyes as aqua blue. The first thing he did was look around and his face was telling a confusion. His name was Sasuke a normal student, when he was going home from school he saw a teenage girl who was walking while playing cellphone, The girl was about to be killed by a teen age boy with a black mouth mask and black clothes that hide his whole body, The boy was holding a kitchen knife, The boy was about to stab the girl behind. When Sasuke saw this he quickly ran to the boy and kicked him using his super move, flying kick! His attacked was connected and the boy was sent flying. Sasuke was trained by his father when he was a child his father said that he needs to be strong to protect his love ones. When the girl who playing her cellphone heard the sound. She was startled and turned around, She saw a boy with black clothes that blocking his body and a black mouth mask, And another boy with a handsome feature. He quickly recognized the black clothes boy because she is her ex-boyfriend. Then she saw a kitchen knife in the hands of her ex-boyfriend. She was a bit smart and she quickly figured out what was going on, She was terrifed because she thought she would be killed by her ex-boyfriend and she was very thankful to the Handsome man because she saved her. His EX get up and stared at the Handsome Boy with Great Hatred if he was not here his plan will be success, He planned to kill his Ex-girlfriend and kill himself too, He believes that if he does that, The 2 will be forverver together and no one will be able to take her away from him. In other words he was obsessed to the girl! His thinking was blocked because of his emotional breakdown! He can not think strainght! He holds the kitchen knife with his two hands. The Knife was 10 inches long and the handle was long enough to handle two hands, His right hand is in front while his left is in the back.
"AHHHHHHHH!" He screamed as he charges towards Sasuke, Like a Lion charge to his prey. He stab towards Sasuke heart, Sasuke dogde and grab the collar of the Boy with the Knife and trip his foot, When the boy was he put forced at the collar to make the more powerful impact.
When the boy was crashed on floor he lose his grip at the kitchen knife and the knife fell over to the floor
Sasuke quickly puched the man's stomach to make him disable for a moment and took the knife on the floor. He took the cellphone in his pocket and called the police. It took 3 minutes to police to arrived. The police quiestioned Sasuke and the girl about what happened. Sasuke and the Girl told the police what happened and the police took the no-strenght man and hand-cuffed him and took him to the police station. When police left the girl was about to thank Sasuke but when she turned around she saw that Sasuke was not there anymore.
Sasuke was running as fast as he can to his home because he was late! His families members are 5, His mother, Father and 1 Big sister and 1 little sister. His little sister went missing for months and the police don't have any update. Sasuke love his little sister, In other words He is Siscon! When he learned that his little sister was missing he quickly seached for her, He didn't even sleep for some days because he was busy searching to her. His parents told Sasuke that he need to rest but Sasuke didn't have time to rest and said that he need to search for her little sister. So his parents forced to use a sleeping pills to Sasuke. Right now Sasuke calmed down and when the school was over he will always search for his little sister whereabout, But today his parents told him that they got a news about his little sister and told him to go home faster. But right now he was late because of the accident. RIght now he was panting heavily but he has a smile in his face, He was now in the front of his house. The house was 2 storey. with 2 meters gate. He push the gate and entered then he pushed the door and entered again. He is happy right now, But his happiness turned into despair! He saw that his parents crying and his sister was fainted. He saw his little sister inside the coffin! He quickly open the coffin and hugged his little sister while crying so hard that he cried blood! His little sister was everyting for him! He always spoil his little sister and when his little sister want that or this he bought them for her.Right now her body was cold and stiff.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He cried. Then he heard a sound of broken glasses inside him and the world around him turned black! His aqua blue color eyes became dimmed, His eyes became lifeless! His mother hugged him.
"What happened to her ?!" Asked Sasuke to his Mother.
His Mother was surprised because Sasuke was always calm. Then she answered
"The police found her body in the xxxxx xxxxxx she was stabbed to her heart resulting to her death and they found that her body was stiffed and cold they said that it was about 1 week she died." Answered his Mother while crying. His father is patting the back of Sasuke trying to comfort him but right now his father was in rage! He angry to the culprit and he promised to himself that he will kill the culptrit and his whole family!
"I will avenge her death! I will kill the culprit and her whole clan!" Screamed Sasuke right now his thinking was clouded by his rage! He blamed himself for being useless! He quickly went to the kitchen and took a katana. This katana was 1.5 meters long and the handle was 5 inches long, The width is 2 inches and the Blade was thin. A dragon was printed around the blade. The handle colored is red like blood. When his parents saw him they quickly tried to stop him. But Sasuke pushed them off. His father was forced to chopped his neck using his right hand and Sasuke became Unconscious.
Introduction End ....
************************************************** ************************
'Fuck! FUck! FUck!' Sasuke screamed inside his mind repeatedly.
"Ahhhhh! Why?!?! Why My little sister? !!?!?! You could just kill instead my little sister! My Life!" Sasuke sreamed while crying, He blamed the God. When he was cursing he was stopped because a notification like in the game appeared in front of him.
[Hello Player No.533846
This is your Gift:
You Obtained 3 Puppets!]
[Deidara: Jonin Level
Sai: Jonin Level
Uzamaki Gato: Jonin Level
Note By Administrator: Hi Sasuke-kun~! You died because of Heart Attack! Of course i'm the one who cause it hehehe~ Your Little Sister is a player too and she is pretty strong but in the end she got killed hehehe~ I know that you are a siscon and your sister is brocon too~ Well Well Well~ But i have a good new for you~ If you are strong enough you can go back to your world and maybe become a God! If you become a God then you can Revive the Dead!
That's all!
Bye Bye~!]
Sasuke didn't care at the beginning but when he read the last part he was surprised! If he can become a God the he can revive his little sister! But last his little sister is a player too! And she's quite strong! She got killed by a player too and Sasuke promised that he will exterminate his/her whole clan! Sasuke took a deep breath to calm himselft
'Now, I have a lead Aliyah, Just wait for me i will revive you and revenge you!' Sasuke thought to himself.
[World:The Irregular at Magic High School]