
Having a baby (170)

It had been a month since everything changed. Bella still worked hard at the company running it as Zane would. She still believed he was coming home.

Her belly was getting rounder and she was tired all the time. But she refused to give up hope.

Betty and Oliver had their wedding at the court house and all the paper work was done for him to adopt the boys.

Betty was still really busy and waited for the day when Sally would come back to work.

Sally was more than ready. She asked Angela to watch Peyton for her. Angela agreed she needed to find things to distract herself. She had also gone through the procedure to be impregnated with both babies. They were both healthy in her womb so far and would be born in the end of November. She missed her husband very much.

Sam was having a hard time and acting out. It seemed like every other day the school was calling because of his attitude or fighting. She was thankful for Junior who stepped up.

George's dad was slowing getting worse. The treatment he under went was not working and with out George here, Angela could not handle him so Josh and Ben placed him in a high class care facility. He was back to hating Josh and the choices he made.

Ben was moved over to Puissance Entreprise to keep an eye on his sister. David took a sabbatical from teaching to help out.

Lily and Rose moved out of Bert's house and back to the house on the beach. She could not stay in Bert's room because it reminded her of him. They had not been together very long. But the pain was more then she could handle.

Rose acted out a lot and Lily ended up taking a leave from the police department to go through therapy with the girl.

Life was numb for so many people.

Easter came and went. Soon it would be June and Matilda would be ready to be born.

"Baby, I think your daddy will be late. But don't you worry he will be here. He will never give up till he comes home to us."

Jillian had another three months but was upset Zane had not been there for months. Why was he not being a part of this pregnancy. She then refused to eat till Zane came.

Mr. and Mrs. Heart both went to the hospital to calm her down.

When she got the News of Zane's death she went into early labor.

She was rushed to the hospital and Elijah Zane Heart was born, 4 lbs 6 oz and 16 in long. He would need to live in an incubator for a few months to survive. But he look just like his father.

Bella sat in the nursery watching her little boy struggle. Her hands were over her belly. "Matilda dear, your brother is going to need you. Your Nana was right. But now both of you will have to help your little brother when he comes along." Matilda kicked.

Mr. Heart took over at the company with the help of David. Everything Zane and Bella had set up, let the company run well while Bella was going to be off.

June 6th came and Bella went to her Doctor appointment.

"Well How would you like to have that baby today?" The Doctor asked.

"Zane's not back yet, can't we wait a little longer,?" She said.

"I'm afraid not. You are dilated and it won't be long before labor starts. I suggest you check into the maternity ward today." The doctor said.

"If you really think so." Bella said.

"I'll call over, so they will expect you there."

Bella stopped in the hall. Who would she call to be with her. She scrolled through her phone stopping on The Beast.

She dialed it and once again it went to voice mail right away.

Was everything that happened when she died and her mother visited in her dream. Will what she said never to come true. Her mother always gave such good advice.

She stopped and thought. Bert was dating a police officer. She really wanted to see him get a girl and be happy and she could see the red head made him happy.

Betty had done something that not many would do, take on a family being single. But at that time they did not know how smart the boys were.

Babs deciding to keep the baby and rasie it her mother would of been proud of her no mater what would happen. She always said we could do anything.

Ben had chosen a good man and Josh has spoken about wanting a family of their own didn't he?

Her father married a good woman and her mother only wanted everyone to be happy.

Maybe it was all a dream and nothing will really happen as it was in her head.

Was Zane really gone. Would she be alone with two children never to hear the roar of his voice again.

She then Dialed Ben. "Hey Big Ben, I am going to have this baby today. I need you by my side."

"I'll be there. Give me 15 minutes." He said.

"Do you think Zane will be there in spirit?"

"Tinkerbell he will be there if he has to fly from Neverland."

Bella checked in and they got her changed into a gown. They hooked her up to monitors and when she heard the baby's heart beat she broke.

The tears came and would not stop. Ben came in as the nurses were trying to calm her down but nothing would make her eyes dry up.

The Last 5 months were crashing in on her and she was afraid she would sink into the abyss she had last year and this time not be able to come out.

Zane was the only one who could pull her out of these situations but now that he was gone how were they going to save her and her children.

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