
Safety first (163)

Babs was left the next day, with Skyler and Olly. Rose and Trevor rode their new bikes over to Josh's to play with Bobby and Kimmy. They were followed by Betty to make sure they really knew the way.

Babs then called David, "Can you come over to talk?"

"I'll be right there." He said.

He was there with in thrity minutes. When we came in Olly was playing with his animal barn he got for Christmas and Babs was feeding Skyler.

"Hi, I'm here." He took a seat across from Babs.

"I have thought of everything you said the other night. I even talked it over with Neil. I love you, I really do but I can't trust you right now. You let me down."

"I know and I am sorry." he said hanging his head.

"I will come home with Skyler but I can not let you adopt him. He will be your step son. I also don't want to have another child with you till I trust you again not to try and change me." Babs said.

"I understand. When will you come back then."

"I need to stay here till school starts. I am watching the kids. You can come over when you like. School starts on the third so Skyler and I will move back then."

They spent the day talking and playing with the kids.


Trevor and Rose road their Bikes all the way over to Josh's home. His mother followed him but he did not mind.

Bobby and Junior were practicing Basketball ball while Kimmy was playing with her doll house. She was excited to have someone to play with.

Sam was mad there was no one his age so Josh let him play a video game inside.

These cousins were becoming the best of friends.

"Are you going to join the youth center and play basketball with us." Trevor asked.

"Yes, I like basketball and football." Junior replied.

"I don't care for football but I know Bobby does. I do like soccer." Trevor said.

"Yah, soccer is in the spring, football in the fall and basketball is winter and spring. So I will play all three." Bobby said.

They played until Josh called them in for Lunch. As they sat and ate they talked about sports and who was the best at what.


Betty had a meeting with the mayor on his New Years Eve Party. Betty went over all the details and so far the had over 250 thousand sold in tickets. and there was still 4 days left.

There was over a million dollars in auction prizes. They had hopes of raising about three million this time. The bar would be a cash bar instead of an open bar so they hoped to raise more money that way.

The hospital wanted to update some of their equipment to make it more appealing for people to stay here for treatment instead of flying to the capital.

Before Betty got off she called for Trevor and Rose to head home. She then called Babs and told her she would bring home chicken for dinner and watch for the kids coming home.

Lily was driving home when she spotted the kids and followed them. She was very impressed how well Trevor took care of Rose making her follow all the bike rules of the road.

"Trevor, thanks for getting Rose home safe. There is a bike safety class in the spring would you be willing to help the police with it?" She asked.

"Sure it sounds fun. My dad made sure I knew the rules before I could even ride my bike. Safety first he always said." Trevor help Rose place her bike in the garage and take off her helmet.

Oliver drove up with Betty and they carried in the food, "Someone call Bert to see when he gets off?" Betty asked.

"I'll do it." Lily grabbed her phone.

"I'm only a few blocks away." Bert said after the call was picked up.

Life was good in the Beauté house.


Life in the Heart house was quite. When Zane came home he found his wife reading.


His head was bald and uncovered, but long white whiskers grew down to his waist. About his body was thrown a loose robe of fine white linen. In one hand he bore a great scythe, and beneath the other arm he carried an hourglass.

While Jim gazed wonderingly upon him, this venerable old man spoke in an angry voice: "Now, then—get that rope off as fast as you can! You've brought everything on earth to a standstill by your foolishness! Well—what are you staring at? Don't you know who I am?"

"No," said Jim, stupidly.

"Well, I'm Time—Father Time! Now, make haste and set me free—if you want the world to run properly."

"How did I happen to catch you?" asked Jim, without making a move to release his captive.

"I don't know. I've never been caught before," growled Father Time. "But I suppose it was because you were foolishly throwing your lasso at nothing."

"I didn't see you," said Jim.

"Of course you didn't. I'm invisible to the eyes of human beings unless they get within three feet of me, and I take care to keep more than that distance away from them. That's why I was crossing this field, where I supposed no one would be. And I should have been perfectly safe had it not been for your beastly lasso. Now, then," he added, crossly, "are you going to get that rope off?"

"Why should I?" asked Jim.

"Because everything in the world stopped moving the moment you caught me. I don't suppose you want to make an end of all business and pleasure, and war and love, and misery and ambition and everything else, do you? Not a watch has ticked since you tied me up here like a mummy!"

Jim laughed. It really was funny to see the old man wound round and round with coils of rope from his knees up to his chin. "It'll do you good to rest," said the boy. "From all I've heard you lead a rather busy life."

"Indeed I do," replied Father Time, with a sigh. "I'm due in Kamchatka this very minute. And to think one small boy is upsetting all my regular habits!"

"Too bad!" said Jim, with a grin. "But since the world has stopped anyhow, it won't matter if it takes a little longer recess. As soon as I let you go Time will fly again. Where are your wings?"

"I haven't any," answered the old man. "That is a story cooked up by some one who never saw me. As a matter of fact, I move rather slowly."

"I see, you take your time," remarked the boy. "What do you use that scythe for?"

"To mow down the people," said the ancient one. "Every time I swing my scythe some one dies."


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