
Thanksgiving Day (154)

Bella woke up early and went down to start work. She pulled out all the food that had been prepared.

Her Dad and Mary Ann arrived and Mary Ann took over. She was impressed on the detail notes Bella had made then shooed her out of the kitchen.

It wasn't long before Betty, Oliver and the two boys came. Oliver took the boys to swim while Betty went in to help Mary Ann.

Next was Bert and Lily with little Rose.

Bert went straight to the kitchen so Lily took Rose to the indoor pool.

At 10am Babs, David, and Neil showed up. They sat in the parlor with Zane and Robert.

After that Zane's mother and father came. followed by the big group of 12.

Mike and Ben took all the kids to the pool. Josh and Angela headed to the kitchen. Sally and George stayed with the other grown up.

Everyone was having a great time. Dinner was just being put on the table and the kids were back dry cloths.

Bella helped everyone find their place. Robert said grace and everyone dug in.

All of a sudden Babs yells out, "Oh no my water just broke."

David looked over and said, "Are you sure?"

"No, I just soaked this chair and floor with a glass of water." She yells.

David helped her up and Bella asked Zane to get the car. Bella then help Babs change into a clean dress so she would not go out in the snow wet.

Robert and Mary Ann got in the two in the car and drove them to the hospital.

"Finish eating everyone we can do nothing for her right now." Bella said.

Neil sat there then turned to Ben, "They forgot me. How do I get there now?"

Ben laughed, "Eat first then I'll give you Dad's keys and you can take his car to the hospital so they have their car to leave."

"Ok, Then I'll eat first."

By the time he finished eating and drove the car to the hospital, Babs was still waiting for Skyler to appear.

"So what is the problem?" He asked.

"He doesn't want to come out yet." David said.

Babs was hooked up to a fetal monitor and the baby's heat beat was strong.

She was then asked to get up and walk. This seemed to work because the contractions started and soon she was ready to deliver.

She cursed Neil for getting her pregnant then squeezed David's hand so hard it was bruised.

After 20 minutes Skyler David Cameron was born. 7 lbs 6 oz and 21 in long. He was perfect.

David held the little guy in his arms and said, "You are going to always know love."

Robert called Bella and gave all the detail and then sent pitures to her phone.


After dinner all the kids went in to the home theater to watch the movie and the adults sat around talking.

Angela next to Betty and Lily and she listen to Bella and Sally talk about being pregnant.

"Do you think you could use your body to help someone else have a baby?" She asked.

"Sure, if I has through having my own and Mike agreed." Sally said. Lily agreed with her.

"I would but I don't think Zane would agree. He has been so protective of me can you imagine what the beast would be like if I carried someone else's child." Bella said.

"I would if they really needed me to. Oliver would not tell me what to do with my own body." Betty said

"Ben asked me to be a Surrogate for him and Josh. I was thinking on doing it." Angela said.

"I think you are being really brave." Sally said.

The other two agreed. Then Sally noticed the ring on Betty's finger.

"Betty what is that." she asked pointing at the ring finger.

"Oliver asked me last night to Marry him. I said yes." She smiled and held out her hand to show off the ring.

The women talked a long time then all went into the kitchen to heat up the food for dinner.


They sat around drinking and talking about sports, cars, and their women.

Ben then had a chance to talk to George while other was talking about the different in American football and European football.

"I wanted to talk to you about what I had talked to your wife about." Ben started.

"What is that?"

"I asked if she would be willing to be a Surrogate for Josh and my child. We don't need her eggs just her womb." Ben said.

"And what did she say about this?"

"She said she had to think it over and talk to you about it. But I thought I should speak man to man to you first."

"You have three wonderful children, why more?" he asked.

"Because of Bella and my mother." Ben then told him of what happened to Bella not long ago and what message was brought back to each of them.

"I have no objection if that is what Angela wants to do. I would do anything for my brother. I do think you are crazy for wanting 4 kids."

"Five, our Surrogate will carry a child from me and a child from Josh."

"Wow five kids. I wish you the best of luck with that. Then again there was five in your family too." George said.

"Yes, Bert, Betty, Babs, Me, and Bella."

Just then Maggie walks out with Olly. "Juice" he says to Ben pointing at Maggie.

Maggie shakes her head. One bottle and one cup of juice coming right up.

Olly sits Maggie down. "Sit" he says then sits beside her.

Ben came back with their juice.

Olly looked at the bottle and took it away and handed her his cup. Then took the bottle back to Ben, "No baby" Maggie looked at the cup and Olly showed her how to drink.

"Hey Josh, Olly is making your little baby grow up. Look." he said pointing at Maggie and Olly.

Josh watch Maggie try and drink from the sippy cup not doing to bad. He then guess it was time to get her some too.

Soon Bobby and Trevor was out looking for the two run away. "Sorry we were watching the movie one second and then they were gone." Trevor said.

"It's ok, go finish the movie they can stay with us." Ben said.

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