
defend the guilty (139)

Bella was let out of the hospital in time for Sunday dinner. Father Joseph brought the three kids and Josh and Ben talked to them about the adoption.

Bobby was very excited to finally get a dad.

Kimmy was also glad, she asked, "who is daddy and who is mommy?"

Bobby said,"Silly we will have two daddys."

"Oh" Kimmy said.

Bella was sat down and not allowed to do anything. Even though she still was unhappy about what had happened. She came here with her husband but they had yet to talk about it.

"How's things going?" Ben asked.

"I don't know, I can't make myself forgive him. I really know it's not his fault but last time he could fight it because I was more important now, I wish I had not married him right now." Bella said.

Josh brought Maggie over for Bella to hold. Bella sat playing with her. Zane watched with sad eyes.

That night as they got ready for bed Zane said, Bella, can we get past all of this?"

She hung her head, "I'm trying really it just hurts so much. It was our wedding day."

"I'm sorry. Tell me what to do to make it better?" He knelt in front of her.

"I don't know. I really don't know." She pulled away and laid down.

He changed and laid next to her. "I won't give up on us Bella. I can't do that."


Lily was put in charge of Zane's case. The district attorney was willing to prosecute giving her 5 years in prison.

She had to get a lawyer so her grandmother went to her old friend Samuel Sanders. Old man Sanders assigned Oliver to the case.

He went to the jail to find out what this case was about.

"Miss Hillman, I am your attorney Oliver McLaughlin. I want to know in your own words what happened before I read the police reports and the district attorney's report." Oliver said.

"Well, my boss had me stay late working on a business deal that was falling apart. I ordered dinner and took it in for him then I went back to my desk to eat. Someone spiked both our meals. I could not think straight and not sure all the details but we ended up having sex. I did not know he was married and why would I jeopardize my job. I just moved here to be closer to my grandmother. Then I was taken to the hospital and I don't remember doing it but they said I attacked a pregnant woman. Please can you help me." She begged.

"Sounds to me like someone maybe set you up. However if drugs were found in your system then we can use the defense of diminishing capacity and asked for time served. Who was this man?" Oliver asked.

"Zane Heart"

Oliver stopped writing. This was going to be a hard case. He excused him self to call old man Sanders.

"You need to send someone else here." he said.

"Oliver, you are the best we have. She needs you." Samuel said.

"The person on the prosecutor's side is Zane Heart." Oliver said.

Samuel stop, he had been friends with the Hearts for years going all the way back to Zane grandfather.

"Also, I am dating Zane's sister-in-law. Betty Beauté, Harry help her adopt two kids and is helping Ben Beauté adopt three. Zane is married to their sister who Miss Hillman attacked." Oliver paused.

Mr. Sanders then said, "Sorry Oliver but you are her lawyer. Do your best son. Everyone is entitled to a defence."

Oliver hung up and went back in. "Miss Hillman, I am going to be honest here. I have ties to the Heart and Beauté family. However Mr. Sanders has asked me to help you."

"Will you do your best to get me off?" She asked.

"If that is your choice then yes. I'll look over all of the case files and come see you tomorrow to go over everything." He said getting up.

He went to the main office and found Lily there. She gave him copies of police report, forensic report, and a copy of the surveillance camera.

He then went and got statement and doctors report from the DA office. Working through these she is guilty but he had a job to do.

When Lily got home that night she told Betty what was going on. Betty asked if Lily could watch the kids and she drove over to Oliver house.

"Oliver was just getting out of the shower when a book came flying at him. "Wow, what did I do to piss you off?"

"How about working for the woman who caused so much pain to my baby sister."

"Let me explain." He said.

"Go ahead I'm listening." She sat down on the bed.

"Old man Sanders is a friend to Miss Hillman grandmother and before he knew the other party was Zane Heart he had promised our office would defend her. I have no choice in the matter. I tried to get another lawyer but he said no."

"Why does it have to be you?" she asked.

"Because I'm the best. I'm sorry." He pulled on shorts and a shirt and sat next to her.

"I need to go. Please don't come over until this is all over. You are betraying my family and it breaks my heart." She started to walk out.

Oliver grabbed her arm. "Please, I love you but I need to do my job."

She pulled loose, "Just till it's all over then we will talk."

He watched as she walked out the door. Why did he have to defend the guilty.

Betty drove home in a daze. Trevor ran to her and asked for a story after dinner. She could not say to him and soon her mind was no longer on Oliver but her boys.

Lily finished making dinner with Bert's help. She like living in a family environment.

Bert came from behind and kissed the top of her head. "Everything smells great."

"Thanks, I hope it taste good." She said.

"Lily I'm glad you moved in. I love having you here everyday. Rose is also happier. She asked me today if she could call me dad." he said.

"What did you say?" Lily asked.

"I said I would have to talk to you. Lily in order for her to call me dad you would need to call me hubby. So will you?" He asked.

"I can't call you that. Are you crazy."

"Lily, I would treat you as a princess and always be there for you and Rose. Will you marry me and let me adopt Rose?" he asked.

Lily froze she did not know what to say.

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