
To Adopt or Not (125)

Betty was at her office going over the schedule of all the parties coming up when she got a call from Harry Sanders of Sanders, Sanders, and McLaughlin law offices.

"Miss Beauté, Mr. Heart asked me to look into you adopting two orphans. Could you come to my office to fill out some paper work so I can start filling. Also I need to go over what you can expect to happen."

"Yes, when do you want me there?" She asked.

"How fast can you get here?"

"I'll be there in 5 minutes. I'm just two floors down right now." She got up and grabbed her bag.

"I'll be waiting."

The elevator seemed very slow but really only took a few minutes to get her to their floor.

She was led to Mr. Sanders office.

"Good let me ask you some question."

● Full Name : Betty Veronica Beauté

● Date of Birth: 12-19-19××

● Address: Xxxx name street

● Phone number: xxx-xxx-xxxx cell personal

xxx-xxx-xxxx cell business

● Status : Single

● Work place : Beauté Party Planning

● Income : 4,000 monthly 52,000 yearly

● Why would you want to adopt? I have a lot of love to give and want to give back to those in need of love and support. I also feel that Family should be placed together and I am willing to take this on.

● What support do you have? I have my father and stepmother, 2 brothers, 3 brother-in-laws, 2 sister, and many friends. I am also willing to take support classes as needed.

● Name of children with ages: Trevor Johnson age 12 and Oliver (aka Olly) Johnson age 4

● Where are they residing now? City Children Home

"Ok this is all for now. I will file these with the city's children agency. They will send someone to interview you and look over you home. I'll try to set this up for tomorrow. I'm putting a rush on all paperwork. After that I'll step up an appointment with the adoption court. Judge Lindsey is a friend of mine. You should be able to get the boys in about two weeks. But I advise you not to tell the boys incase something happens to delay things. Understand?"

"Yes, but your sure I can be their mother?" She asked with hope.

"Yes, I am just not sure the exact time frame. "

Betty left his office and took a taxicab to the Children's Home to talk to Father Joseph.

"What brings you here?" He asks.

"I want to talk to you about Trevor and Olly."

"What about them?"

"I want to be their mother. Both boys. I've talked to a lawyer and with the connection he has he says they can be my family in a few weeks."

"Who's the lawyer, don't tell me it's Oliver."

"No, he made it clear he wants nothing to do with adopting the boys. To tell you the truth I think it is over for us. The lawyer is Harry Sanders he is friends with my brother-in-law."

"He's a good man. Thank you for caring about the boys. I hope things move fast so I don't have to split them up."

"Can I spend some time with them today?" She asked.

"Sure, Olly is in the play room but Trevor is still in classes. I'll take you over to Olly."

They walk through the building to a large play room for younger children. Olly was sitting on some pillows reading a picture book.

"Olly, Can Miss Betty sit with you?" Father Joseph said.

Olly looked up and smiled. He then patted the pillows. Betty sat down and Olly crawled into her lap and handed her the book.

She read to him and had him point out things in the story. When Trevor got out of class he came to get Olly and found Betty.

"Hi, why are you here?" He asked.

"I just wanted to visit my two favorite boys."

"Oh, you really like Olly then.?" Trevor had a look of disappointment in his face.

"I really like you both. I want to take you for pizza. Father Joseph said it was all right. Would you like to go?" Betty asked.

"Sure, I love pizza." Trevor smiled.

They stopped by to let Father Joseph know they would be back soon. Betty took them to Crazy Clown Pizza were they played some games and ate Pizza.

"Are you going to try to adopt Olly?" Trevor asked.

"If I did what would you say?"

"Olly likes you. He don't like many people like the other couple that was visiting him. If you could make sure to let him visit me I wouldn't mind." Trevor said.

"What if I wanted to adopt you instead?"

"I won't leave Olly alone in that place. He needs a mom more then I do."

"Then you are saying if I adopt you then I have to adopt Olly too." She asked.

"Could you do that?"

"I can't promise anything right now but I will do everything I can to keep you two together."

After dropping off the boys Betty went home happier then she had ever been but when she got hime sitting in her living room was Oliver.

"Your back, We need to talk." he started ,"Joe told me you are trying to adopt the boys. You don't stand a chance of doing that. In the end you will not be the only one to get hurt."

"Are you done. I thank you for your shit advice. Please don't let the door hit you on the way out." She stood to show him to the door.

"Betty, Please Joe told me what you said about us. Just because you feel bad about these kids doesn't mean you need..."

"Stop right there. I gave you a chance to be a part of my life. Even after you lied to me and made me the other woman. So don't you try to guilt me into to anything. Get out of my house right now."

Oliver got up and walked out. He figured she needed to calm down before they could continue this. "Ok, I'll leave we can talk later about all this."

"There is nothing to talk about. And tell your buddy that I will never talk to him again."

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