
Just one call (99)

Bella opened the door to Babs. She had been crying.

"Come in... What is wrong?" Bella asked.

Babs then proceeded to tell her what had just happened.


Babs had help all morning at the Vet clinic. She was tired so headed out. There was a large black Mercedes parked out front and when Babs stepped out the door a tall thin woman stepped out.

"Babs Beauté ?" She asked.

"Yes, and you are?" Babs said.

"I am Nile's Mother. I came to find out if you are really pregnant with my grandchild."

"This is my child. I have nothing to say to you." Babs tried to walk away but was stop by a body gaurd that had gotten out of the car.

"Just answer the question." Mrs. West said.

"Let go of me. You have no right. This is between Nile and me." Babs struggled to get free.

"Young lady. You have no right to keep what doesn't belong to you. If that child is of the West blood line then it belongs to us."

"This child is growing in my body so it belongs to me. Now let me go!!"

Just then a few people walked by and the guard let her go. Babs ran to the buss stop and went straight to Bella's.


"Did you let Professor Cameron know?" Bella asked.

"No I came straight here." Babs said.

"Give me your phone." Babs handed Bella the phone and she pulled up David'sp info and shot a text.

[This is Bella, Babs met your mother today please call me on Babs phone] Babs

[Give me a second. Listening to a report will call when it's done.] David

Bella made some tea and they waited. It only took about fifteen minutes before the phone went off.

"Hello" Bella said.

"How is she?" David asked.


"Can I come over to talk. Are you at home?"

"We're at my apartment." She gave David the address then hung up.

It did not take long before David knocked on the door. When he came in he rushed to Babs and knelt down in front of her. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, she just scared me when the bodyguard would not let me go."

"She had someone touch you? I am so sorry. Tell me what happened." He asked sitting next to her.

Babs repeated the story. As she finished she could see the fumes coming off of David's aura.

"Babs, believe me when I say I will help you. I talked last night to Neils and I will take full responsibility for this child."

"I don't need you to do that. Just make your mother leave me alone." Babs begged.

"I'll try but you have to know my mother is very stubborn." David said.

Zane came home right away when he got Bella's message.

"Mr. Cameron explained to me what is going on!" Zane said.

David told Zane about his mother and brother. Then told him that he really did want to take responsibility for Babs and the baby.

"Your stepfather is Melvin West from West corp?" Zane asked.

"Yes, Why?" David was puzzled.

Zane pulled out his phone and made a call. "This is Zane Heart. Mr. West has five minutes to get on the phone with me or I'll pull every project we have with them."

Zane looked at his watch and after just two minutes someone was on the phone.

'Mr. Heart how can I help you?'

"I want your wife and son to leave Babs Beauté alone. If not I will see to it you no longer have a company. Understand?" Zane threatened.

'Who is Babs to you Mr. Heart?' he asked

"Family" was all he said.

'I understand. I will see to it they leave her alone.'

The conversation was ended. "Babs is that all you needed?" Zane asked.

"Thank you Zane." She said.

"Thank Bella, I would not of gotten involved if not for her." Zane then kissed Bella and went back to work.

"Thanks Bella" Babs grabbed her hand, "I don't deserve a sister like you."

David felt down, it really did take the mighty Beast to save the day.

"Babs let me take you home." David asked.

"Ok, Thanks for trying to help. I really do like you but your family scares me." Babs said.

"I understand. Just don't push me away yet. Let me prove I can help too."

Bella walked them out and when she came back she then fell onto the couch to read.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ THE BOX OF ROBBERS cont.

"My! but you were heavy," exclaimed the fat one, when he had pulled down his velvet jacket and brushed the dust from his sky-blue breeches. "And you squeezed me all out of shape."

"It was unavoidable, Luigi," responded the thin man, lightly; "the lid of the chest pressed me down upon you. Yet I tender you my regrets."

"As for me," said the middle-sized man, carelessly rolling a cigarette and lighting it, "you must acknowledge I have been your nearest friend for years; so do not be disagreeable."

"You mustn't smoke in the attic," said Martha, recovering herself at sight of the cigarette. "You might set the house on fire."

The middle-sized man, who had not noticed her before, at this speech turned to the girl and bowed. "Since a lady requests it," said he, "I shall abandon my cigarette," and he threw it on the floor and extinguished it with his foot.

"Who are you?" asked Martha, who until now had been too astonished to be frightened.

"Permit us to introduce ourselves," said the thin man, flourishing his hat gracefully. "This is Lugui," the fat man nodded; "and this is Beni," the middle-sized man bowed; "and I am Victor. We are three bandits—Italian bandits."

"Bandits!" cried Martha, with a look of horror.

"Exactly. Perhaps in all the world there are not three other bandits so terrible and fierce as ourselves," said Victor, proudly.

"'Tis so," said the fat man, nodding gravely.

"But it's wicked!" exclaimed Martha.

"Yes, indeed," replied Victor. "We are extremely and tremendously wicked. Perhaps in all the world you could not find three men more wicked than those who now stand before you."

"'Tis so," said the fat man, approvingly.

"But you shouldn't be so wicked," said the girl; "it's—it's—naughty!"

American Fairy Tales : THE BOX OF ROBBERS

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