
Old man's yes (91)

Betty answered the door when it rang.

"Hi, I'm here to talk to Babs." David said.

"Come in I'll get her." Betty led him into the living room. "Have a seat I'll be right back. "

David took a seat. "Hi, I'm Bert, Babs oldest Brother."

"Davis Cameron. Pleased to meet you."

"Why did my sister come home crying?"

"We ran into my brother. He is the one who got her pregnant."

"Does that bother you?"

"No, but it seems to bother her. She ran off before we could talk."

"Babs is the middle child and a little wild. You have to be cautious with her. What are you planning on doing?"

"Talk to her right now. Then we can decide where to go from there."

"Sounds good."

Betty had gone up to Babs room.

"Hey, some guy is here to see you." Betty said.

"Tell him to go away."

"Hey, what's wrong?" She sat down next to her on the bed.

"David Cameron is Neil West's brother."

"Oh wow, how?"

"We ran into Neil after brunch. Neil said some horrible things to me. I may have slept with a few guys but I am no slut. I am not."

"Honey, you were. I am not trying to be mean but you can't even list everyone. Are you even sure Neil is the father?"

"You too, I have only slept with two... count it two guys. I lost my virginity to Bobby Hillman in Highschool. Then three months ago to Neil. So yes he is the father."

"Sorry, just the rumors. You need to talk to this guy he came here just for you."

"Ok but you need to support me from now on. I expect my sister to always believe me."

Babs walked downstairs and Bert excused himself so they could talk.

"You got a cab really fast." David said.

"One had just drove up with someone."

"I'm sorry for what my brother said and did."

"Do you believe him?" Babs asked.

"Should I?"

"No, I have only been with two guys ever. He is the father I'm 100% sure of that."

"Then I believe you. But even if you have slept with more that is none of my business. I only care what we do now."


"Really, Babs I am to old to beat around the bush. I like you and I really do want to get to know you better. I'm not saying we should jump into bed or anything. It's just I want to see what life would be like dating you."

Babs sat there and listened.

"I know you are pregnant and now I know you are having my niece or nephew. But I don't care. Something about you drew me to you and I want to see where this will go."

"I'm sorry for blocking you. I was hurt and I can't seem to control my emotions lately."

"You are pregnant." he laughed.

"Yah I am."

They talked for a long time. Betty invited him to stay for dinner. It was just the four of them because their father was out of town proposing to what they would hope to be their new stepmother.


Mary Ann and Robert walked hand in hand down the beach. They had arrived late last night but did not have to return until tomorrow. They had both taken Monday off.

As they got to a little clearing Robert said, "At our age life seems to move a little to fast. I know we have only been seeing each other for a few months now but when it is right you know it." He then got down on one knee, "Mary Ann I would be honored if you would marry me." He opened up the ring box.

She stood there with her hands over her mouth and shook her head yes. He then put the ring on her finger and kissed her.

She had fallen for this man the first time she met him at the company but for two years never had gotten close to him. Then when Bella was at the hospital she got to know him a lot better and fell even more for him.

There was no way she was going to let this Man go.

"Does you family know?"

"Yes I asked them if it was Ok. I even asked Zane for your hand since he is like your son. But even if they would of disagreed It would of not stopped me."

"You ask Zane for my hand. That makes me really happy."


Zane and Bella went to bed early since they would have to get up early to get back into town. Bella read a little to help her sleep.


Once upon a time there was a Woman, who had three daughters, the eldest of whom was named One-Eye, because she had but a single eye, and that placed in the middle of her forehead; the second was called Two-Eyes, because she was like other mortals; and the third, Three-Eyes, because she had three eyes, and one of them in the centre of her forehead, like her eldest sister.

But, because her second sister had nothing out of the common in her appearance, she was looked down upon by her sisters, and despised by her mother. "You are no better than common folk," they would say to her; "you do not belong to us"; and then they would push her about, give her coarse clothing, and nothing to eat but their leavings, besides numerous other insults as occasion offered.

Once it happened that Two-Eyes had to go into the forest to tend the goat; and she went very hungry, because her sisters had given her very little to eat that morning.

She sat down upon a hillock, and cried so much that her tears flowed almost like rivers out of her eyes! By and by she looked up and saw a Woman standing by, who asked, "Why are you weeping, Two-Eyes?"

"Because I have two eyes like ordinary people," replied the maiden, "and therefore my mother and sisters dislike me, push me into corners, throw me their old clothes, and give me nothing to eat but what they leave. To-day they have given me so little that I am still hungry."

"Dry your eyes, then, now," said the wise Woman; "I will tell you something which shall prevent you from being hungry again.

You must say to your goat: "'Little kid, milk Table, appear!' "and immediately a nicely filled table will stand before you, with delicate food upon it, of which you can eat as much as you please. And when you are satisfied, and have done with the table, you must say: 'Little kid, milk Table, depart!' "and it will disappear directly."


IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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