

At the corner, not too far away from his table, there was something that resembled a holding cell that could be found and a long and thick chained can be seen inside of it.

If one would go and traced the chain down to its very ends, a feeble body of a young man drenched with both his own blood and sweat could be seen lying on the cold floor.

Its tattered clothes though that was mostly made from the finest silk and cotton could easily identify him as someone from a noble standing.

The other party could not even sit and support himself due to fatigue.

In fact, he could hardly lift his own body but he was still persistently pounding the wall with all his might. Using nothing but his own bloody fist.

As soon as the bloody young man saw the wicked person who held him captive, he stopped on what he was doing and shot him with a piercing glare.

If only his eyes could shoot fire or daggers, Schoolmaster Yin would already be long dead.

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