

They were just about to climb to each of their own bed to resign for the night when they heard the sound of knocking coming from their door.

Just who could be so bold as to visit them in the middle of the night just as they were about to have a good rest?!

'Knock... Knock... Knock...'

The three consecutive sound of someone knocking on their door was followed by the sweet voice of a lady.

Her voice was so sweet that it was almost akin to honey that used to glazed pancakes served hot during breakfast.

"Su Yan, are you there???"

The other party's voice called out from the other side of the door.

From how the voice sounded, it seemed that the other party was no other than, Mu Yanxiao!!!

One of the famed school belle in the Orange Realm.

When the group heard someone calling out for Su Yan, they were all intrigued.

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