

It has been over a decade already since Schoolmaster Yin's clandestine past was made known by another soul.

Because he always made it sure to put every single person who learned about his dark secret in silence. Including the only woman that he loved the most.

Unbeknownst to anyone, not even to his closest friend, that Schoolmaster Yin is actually a practitioner of the forbidden art of Necromancy.

Others would have thought that he was just touching the basics of soul arts out of curiosity. But the truth is, this was his field of specialty.

He had been learning the art of Necromancy since he was a child

And he never stopped studying it. Even after he got abolished in his practice of Necromancy, while he was still in his apprenticeship period.

Yin Shun, or more commonly known as Schoolmaster Yin is just like any other normal warlocks before. During his time, Necromancy is not yet a forbidden practice.

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